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A wise man once told me, "Never drink to have fun, only drink to have even more fun". I forget who that man was because I have had way too much fun...

In all honesty, I drink very little. I'm very lucky that my parents didn't drink at all until I was in high school at least. They, especially my father, didn't want to demonstrate alcohol as a regular part of life. I think that has a huge affect on my relationship with booze, every once in a while it is fun, but on a day to day I have more important things to do.
Late to this thread.
To those that can drink like a gentleman my hat is off to you.
I’m not one of them. I’ve been a friend of Bill’s for over half my life and I am old.
So much honestly and vulnerability shown.

Alcoholism is the only disease you don’t have to have to die from. I personally witnessed so many deaths where alcohol was involved. Images I will never be free from.
I tried to drown them out but in desperation found a better solution.
From age 15-45 i was a party animal. One day at 45 years old I had a Forest Gump moment. Looked in the mirror and said , with no particular reason “I’m all done with this”. Now I didnt stop drinking all together I just stopped treating it like a lifestyle and a sporting event…. I rarely have a drink or a beer these days but on occasion I will.
I could write a book about the trouble I got into from being drunk in my youth . Tried to do the moderation / controlled drinking thing , nothing worked . I actually hit bottom , no license , going to jail , living in a shit rental in Flint Mi , and a friend set me down and told me flat out what a POS I'd become .
Quit drinking that night , got my legal troubles behind me , and I've been alcohol free since 8-11-91 .
My wife drinks every now and then , plus I go out with friends while they drink , I just know I don't process alcohol very well . I still think about it , have dreams I'm drunk and in trouble every now and then , but life is better for me without drinking , to say the least .
Late to this thread.
To those that can drink like a gentleman my hat is off to you.
I’m not one of them. I’ve been a friend of Bill’s for over half my life and I am old.
So much honestly and vulnerability shown.

Alcoholism is the only disease you don’t have to have to die from. I personally witnessed so many deaths where alcohol was involved. Images I will never be free from.
I tried to drown them out but in desperation found a better solution.
Copy that
I read through some of this but not all. I grew up around a lot of booze. My dad and his buddies had beers cracked whenever they hung out, even when they were alone. My friends and I thought that’s the way it was supposed to be so we followed. Drank a lot through my teens and 20’s. Always drinking, no matter what. Kids birthdays, fishing, hunting, it didn’t matter we always drank. I got to the point I was drinking about every night. I knew when the booze was taking priority over my wife and kids it was a problem.

I still drink, but not near what I used to. The problem I find myself in along with many of you is almost everyone around me is still in the “drink for everything” mindset.

After slowing down I realize I don’t remember all the drunken get togethers, I really remember and my best memories are things I did where I didn’t drink and couldn’t do being a drunkard. It’s pretty hard to chase elk if you’re hammered, or take a long hike/fishing/camping trip with your wife and kids trying to tote bottles of whiskey or a case of beer. I certainly may celebrate a successful hunt with a glass of whiskey or have a beer or 3 for lunch at a restaurant after a long hiking/camping trip.

Waking up after that feels better than waking up hungover as hell worried about what you said or how you acted after getting bombed.

Honestly I’ll probably just give up drinking in the near future, there isn’t much benefit to it.
Also PSA for any young bucks who think getting drunk and getting in a bar brawl is a good way to impress women…….. it isn’t.

And if you find a woman that is impressed by your drunken brawling skills, run as far away from her as possible.

All the best drunken brawlers I know are living in a trailer close to the bar. When they aren’t locked up in the county jail for getting into drunken fistfights with their wonderful old lady who thought brawling was so cool.

If conversation about my idiot days pop up and the brawls my wife just says “what a douche” referring to me of course. 😂
I told myself I wasn’t going to end up like my dad. In my late teens and early 20s I started down that road and I pretty much cut out alcohol when I turned 21 and haven’t gotten drunk since then.
I was never a brawler. I was more of a 'Hey everybody, who wants to shave their name in my chest hair?!' sort of drunk. Wives love that sort of stuff too...
Oh man! Sitting down at the bar 3 sheets to the wind high fiving your drunk buddies because you threw a guy through the door…………. While holding a wet, cold, bloody rag to your head because you got a bottle broken over your head is way cooler! 🤣

I oozed “this is a man going somewhere in life and who will be a responsible role model to my children” that night.

I mean I think the fight was over something real honorable as well. I believe I told the guy the town he was from sucked.
Oh man! Sitting down at the bar 3 sheets to the wind high fiving your drunk buddies because you threw a guy through the door…………. While holding a wet, cold, bloody rag to your head because you got a bottle broken over your head is way cooler! 🤣

I oozed “this is a man going somewhere in life and who will be a responsible role model to my children” that night.

I mean I think the fight was over something real honorable as well. I believe I told the guy the town he was from sucked.
Profile pic checks out!
I still drink, but not near what I used to. The problem I find myself in along with many of you is almost everyone around me is still in the “drink for everything” mindset.
It's rare for me to go to an occasion and not be the only without a drink. Now that I'm in my 50's it's getting harder to watch the same guys getting after it. Their bodies are falling apart way to young and they keep going.
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