NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Alaska Hunt Talkers

My brother is visiting me from Fairbanks right now. I don't think they are getting the snow but he told me yesterday that it has been brutal cold. I think yesterday he said that it was as warm as it has been in the last week. Warming up to a mere -15. He said he called to check on his dog and the neighbors said that it had been -40.:eek: No thanks for me.
I'm assuming your talking about cordova/valdez/coastal area of south central. They usually get dumped on but this year is heavier than usual. The rain mixed in sure doesnt help any. Thats alot of weight on the buildings if they dont get it off. They are getting a small reprieve cuz another storm is about to hit them.

The interior has been crazy cold but atleast Dec was warm for fairbanks. We've been chilly here in Wasilla but not bad and this last storm only gave us about 7". Now the wind is suppoesed to pick up (I guess gusts to 75MPH+ in some areas) and they say warm up to the 20's with snow. we will see.
We haven't gotten the crazy amounts that the valdez area has gotten but we don't have a lack of snow here in town thats for sure. We will see what the wind does to us tonight though.
I think the total for year at my house is now just over 100" now. Not sure what the average is for this time of the yer, but we've easily got twice as much snow as we had last winter.
This is a banner year for snow accumulation but for Valdez and Cordova it's gone to the extreme. Personally, I like having all this snow but it can be a pia to move after it continually piles up storm after storm. We're suppose to get another 4-8 inches tonight/tomorrow morning.
Glad the snow stayed away but I wish the wind would have gone with it. not a bad drive home from town. only 2 cars upside down and 1 backwards into a guardrail. Quiet day for the glenn. I like the 36degree temps though.
We're supposed to get hammered again tonight and tomorrow.

Rough year for 14C sheep. Probably 13D too, as if lamb recruitment wasnt poor enough already.
Glad to see most are ok I was talking about Cordova area with the extra amounts that they have gotten.

Bambi good chart I figured the way they were talking it was much above the normal range.