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Adventures with IDBugler and Gunner....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
If I only had pictures,.... :D :D

Story tonight !!

(This gives you 2 a heads up if you want to beat me to the lies......) ;)
:D "Against my better judgement.......":D

I already sent an e-mail, detailing your adventure. Do a bit of replacing, and you will be good.

I have the CD made of the pictures, and will drop it by this afternoon.
JoseCuervo said:
:D "Against my better judgement.......":D

I already sent an e-mail, detailing your adventure. Do a bit of replacing, and you will be good.

I have the CD made of the pictures, and will drop it by this afternoon. this the unedited brokeback version?
Always a problem with letting Moosie be the brains of the organization. The pretty much means that the whole thing will be a cluster..... :D

We were only 2 weeks late this year getting started. Mostly due to the fact that Easter was the opening weekend, and we all had other stuff going on. We decided to get going last Sunday. Moosie lets IDB and me know that we need to LEAVE his house at 5.30am on Sunday Morn so we can get back. Bugler actually believed Moosie, and told his wife he would be home by 2pm.

I was running about 2 minutes late, which Moosie has grown to expect and love about me. It usually gives Moosie time try and have another baby.... :eek: Bugler, however, showed up on time to a dark and quiet house at the Moosie residence. Moosie must have decided that if we were 2 weeks late, what would be the problem with another 30 minutes being late.... :eek:

I pull up to the driveway and Bugler and Moosie are standing in the driveway in matching shorts and matching sneakers. Kind of like the Brokeback twins.....

We start loading Moosie's PU with the crap we need for 6 hours. Bugler has decided to bring every piece of Camo he owns, all of his gear for bear hunting, turkey hunting, gold prospecting, watercolor painting, stamp collecting, knitting, and every other hobby he has. He manages to fill up more than half of the back seat of a full size pickup. I bring a bottle of water and a lifejacket and Moosie brings a bag of BBQ potato chips because we don't have room for anything after IDB gets his stuff loaded.

Moosie has us tear up his garage looking for the 5th wheel hitch reciever for his dad's trailer. Given that we are already 2 weeks and 30 minutes late, spending another 30 minutes looking for a 60 pound hunk of steel does not seem to be a big delay to Moosie. Then Moosie remembers that he left it with the trailer up in the Mountains.

Finally on the road, we settle in for the 2 minute drive to Moosie's office.... |oo Something about needing to see if he can remember what he forgot and left at his office.....

After watching Moosie try and remember how to turn the alarm system off ("let's see, is it my wife's measurements or is it my 3rd son's birthday?"). We then spend a bit while Moosie remembers it was his license that he left at the office.

So, once again, we are on the road again.... It is a nice clear day, the sun is coming up, a great day to be in the Mountains........ so Moosie drives us to a gas station while he has a full tank. Yeppers..... guess who needs the bathroom.....|oo... And I gotta give Moosie credit, he doesn't steal the Handicap parking spots, he just pulls up and uses the area in front of the closest fuel pump in front of the door despite not needing fuel.

IDB, despite not having an extra ounce of fat on him, has decided to be anorexic and diet like a high school girl. The guy passes on the Krispy Kremes and the Chocolate milk and chooses jerkey to go with the bottle of breastmilk/formula he has packed in the ice chest he brought. Something about winning money by not eating.....:confused:

So, off we go, once again, to some destination we are not quite sure of.... Kinda like David Bryne's anthem, "We're on the Road to Nowhere".....
I'm Glad Gunner Started off, SO I know how to correct this story already.....

As Always, I'm the One that Gathers the Bait, Has the boat, and Spends the Money on gas to Drive. These clowns just have to show up. Although I always claim to be busy, Lately I truely am. After getting back from making office desks 11PM the night before I get home withthe Mornings hunt ready to prepare. I set my clock alarm to 5:00 giving me 1/2 hour (Or more if I know Gunner) to prep in the morning on the things I forgot the night before. Somehow I lay down and fall quickly asleep. I learned you need to set the alarm to "ON" and not just the time you want up... (Make a note of that Moosie)... 5:35AM there is a sound and I pop my head up, my wife says "Did Someone Knock at the door" !>>!>! (MAybe I shgould have told her I was leaving at 5:30 AM ... OOPS..... Something else to make note of ;) Being in full sleep I run to the Door and Peak out the Window. My eyes focus on a guy carrying enough stuff to Fill the Titanic and realize it's Sunday morning, It's 5:30AM, I'm in my underwear and not ready. I open the door and say something like, "It will just take a min" . Knowing i don't have time For a Quicky, I brush my teath and rush to get ready..... :)

I did Notice Bugler is wearing shorts, Tennis shoes and a T-shirt. So I go to plan "B" and grab my shorts and a T-shirt , some OLD Tennis Shoes (Ya, 3 months old, Deal with it guys, thats old to me, I like new White shoes :D) and go running around getting everything. What I didn't notice was in the Lugage IDBugler had he brought 3 Camo tops, 2 pair of boots, 6 pair of Camo pants for different areas, Turkey calls, Crow calls, Turkey Strikers, some Black dildo looking thing and a shotgun. I'm thinknig we're bear hunting and he seems to think we're going to a Turkey convention. Gunner rolls in about 2 mins later. First time in 5 years of hutning with him I'm late (38...hundred other times he is....) and now I'll never live it down. Go figure !!

Paddles, check !
Tree Stands, Check !
Bait, Hey guys, I have 3 tons of Bait in my Shop, thow some in.... Check !
Rifle, Check !
BBQ Chips, Check !
Hunting licence........ Chit ! No check !

on the way out I swing by the new office, yah, it's 2 mins from the house, traffic or not, and grab my hunting folder and hit the road !! Note to self, Don't carry all the stuff in a folder, things might fall out later in the day when BA-Hawing yer 4x4 .... :p

I ask the boys if they need anything and they said no so we go screaming down the Freeway in hopes of getting home a little early. EARLY ? Hunting ? Hummm whatever that means.

We get to a gas station 45 mins down the road and I need to throw water on my face and Hit the head. Hell, While I'm there I might as well Eat a Twinky or two so I pick up a couple breakfast items..... Then Mr, "I weigh a buck 80 and benchlift trucks for fun" tells me hes trying to do some body fat something or other and doesn't want anything..... I was jsut about to make fun of him when he says on this thing he has to eat every 3 hours...... wow, I'll be up 18 hours this day, thats eating 6+ times. I start to like this idea !!! I didn't get the Breast milk containers but it did Remind me of Boobies...... MMMmmmm Boobies..... Uhhhh what was I talking about ??!?!

On the parking deal, I thought the Far gas pump were for people using them, the close ones were for parking. Go figure, learn something new every day.

So we take off up the road and head to Bait site "D"...............
The art of telling a good hunting story, being perfected one at a time on hunttalk!
We're almost at 7-7:30AM..... trust me, it's going to get even better ...BUUUahahaha !!!!

These stories don't just write themselves you know........
Can you guys see the chit I have to put up with. First off, moosie calls and said let's go put out some bear bait on Sunday. I would like to get an early start so let's leave early. Ok, what time, 5:30. I show up right on time to a dark house. Moosie looks out the window trying to figure out who the hell is knocking at his door. Right then I figure he fuggin forgot about our hunting date. You would think someone with there own hunting website and who always talks about hunting would be ready to go hunting, right? He finally figures it out and opens the door in his sons T-shirt and boxers. I don't know about you boys but that is the last thing you want to see that early in the morning. He grabs a pair of shorts, socks and shoes and we start loading up.

Now as you can tell someone in this bunch needs to be prepaired so I grab my turkey vest, shotgun, cameras, backpack, spotter, camo clothing (just in case we get into some birds), and cooler for my healthy :D food. It maybe takes up half the back seat. :)

Moosie now mentions that Gunner is coming. I ask him what time did you tell him to show up, 5:30? Then I hear the door shut on his truck a little after 5:45. Some hunter's these guys are, I guess all the big chit they kill wait for them. Anyway, gunner grabs his purse full of make up and his life jacket and throws it in the truck. Yep, that's what I said a Lifejacket. I had no idea we were going white water rafting. I guess he was thinking of us because I don't think there was anyway he was going to use it. :) Unless it was against his better judgement.

fastforward to chevron. I'm thinking it's been almost 1 hour and moosie doesn't have a twinkee in his mouth. We should be stopping soon. Sure enough he pulls up to get some gas :rolleyes: and heads in. Takes a piss grabs some mustard flavored pretzels and a pop, nice breakfast by the way. I start thinking man moosie must be on a diet since his food bill was under $5. I later find out he had a whole truck load of bear bait/moosie bait in the truck. He sure can pound those 1 month old pies, twinkees, ho-ho's like there fresh off the shelfs. So on the way out I get some jerky and enjoy a nice protein shake....
"He finally figures it out and opens the door in his sons T-shirt and boxers. I don't know about you boys but that is the last thing you want to see that early in the morning."

HAHAHAHAROFLHAHAHAH I can only "picture" that,.... OMG.. I bet u gave him a rash about it right then too... ROFL!!!!
We all get back in the PU and Moosie heads back onto the freeway. For some reason, despite the lack of traffic and the blown schedule, Moosie still feels like driving as fast as he can. IDBugler and I both have our seatbelts on, holding on for safety while Moosie refuses to wear a seatbelt or drive within the posted limits. We get off the freeway and head toward the bait sites without any particular plan or order. Like I said, when you leave the job of being the brains of the operation to Moosie, things just kinda happen despite logic.

We roll past another gas station and Moosie jokes about the quality of Pizza Pockets in their deli section...... Another 20 miles or so, we start seeing Elk, and more Elk, and more Elk. Looks like something is wrong with the wolf re-introduction as there seems to be lots of Elk wandering around.

We head toward the site where IDB killed his bear last year, a site we have baited for 3 years. We decide we should probably not be satisfied with it, so we think about another location. We head on past our original site and keep going, and keep going, and keep going... Pretty soon the road gets worse, the brush gets more narrow along the roads, the ruts get deeper, and Moosie drives faster. Given that we all skipped Church on this fine Sunday Morning, we decided to find religion with Moosie's driving as the comments "JESUS CHRIST" and "HOLY SHIT" kept coming out as we picked up speed.....

We finally run out of road, so we do the only logical thing, and start walking without carrying any bait. We keep hiking and find some nice looking area, and keep going, and find some more nice looking areas. We finally find another trail that looks good, follow it and find a great looking site. Problem was, it was used last year and still had grease soaked logs stacked up. IDB and I discuss using it and pretty soon Moosie gets here (I think he was busy getting the snow out of his sneakers) and we discuss the merits of the site. And then Moosie points out the 2006 bait permit hanging on the tree. Given that it was already spoken for, IDB suggests we get going, and quickly. Something about wanting to go to the truck. Well, Moosie keeps talking, kind of ignoring IDB's ever escalating suggestions we get to the truck. Finally, Moosie and I determine that IDB needs the paper towels at the truck, as the only socks those boys wore were the "no see um" socks inside their Nikes.

The discussion then comes up to convince IDB to "go" in the middle of the bait site as a calling card. But, given the lack of usable socks, IDB holds firm to the idea of going back to the truck.

On the way out, as a public service, we decide to mark the trail. In short order, arrows are fashioned pointing all to the bait site, and the word "bear" is written with the arrows. We laugh and head to the truck...... Knowing we will never run into the guys who have that site.... :eek:

We head the truck back down the mountain and find a suitable site for our first bait site of the season. Site "A". IDB and I carry the bait down and get a site located while Moosie does.... does... does....., actually, I can't rembember what Moosie was doing, but it wasn't carrying bait. We find a place, and I don't think IDB was overly impressed with it based upon his extensive experience baiting bears. Moosie and I, however, like it due to the downhill location, the easy access for kids to get there, and the fact that it really doesn't matter where, as there are bears everywhere, or so we hoped.

Moosie has this weird affinity for shovels and seems to always carry one when we set up the baits for the first time of the year. I have never understood why, but Moosie likes a shovel. While IDB and I arrange logs for the bait site, Moosie goes off about 30 yards and pretends to dig, and then rests on the shovel while IDB rolls a big log downhill to me by kicking it loose and hoping it comes to me without killing me. He then does the same with a dishwasher sized bag of bait.

We get the bait set and pat ourselves on the back for finally accomplishing something before Noon......

Back to the pickup and the long drive to the original site.....
Even though Gunner feels I drive Fast, I ALWAYS Stay within the Speed limit. Sometimes I mistake the Speedlimit sign with the Freeway sign and It's not my Fault we were on By-road 107. It did seem odd to have 30MPH corners after going 107....... but they had on seatbelts so...... HUmmmm.

We get to this New Area and the Boys Complain about not being able to sleep in the Extra 30 mins like I do. Therefor I sacrafice myself and my truck up a Narrow Steep road full of Ruts and at times getting to 2 wheels on one side and other times Bottoming out the Jacked up rig. I always thought of Bugler and Gunner as Manly men in the Field but I did hear several times a EEEEKkk like a Little Girls coming from the Back seat and Passanger seat. Wussies I tell you.... Trees always stop the Truck from rolling to far !!!

We get about a mile from the truck and start to break snow. This is were I realize Gunner had boots and Bugler has changed from his sneakers to one of the 3 sets of boots he brought. We get to a nice area right on a Trail and Notice a Bait site. No bait but a 2006 tag on it already. Geesh !!!

Bugler is walking funny and knowing he came in a different rig to my place then Gunner it wasn't what I first thought....... but instead he had a Turtle head poking out. He walked in Funny circles and lifted his knees high in the air. Walking away I offered him my Socks if he'd take a Dump on the trail. (Little things amuse me.... Soemthing I learned from hunting Montana) He said something about Ethics and we all agreed with a Baitsite close by we'd never do anything like that. Leaving a Sign on the trail to let the Boys know we found "home" and to let our Buddies in the Area know not to walk the way we did we left a Stick made sign saying "BEAR" and used arrows to point. Something to laugh about I guess, hell one will know we were in the Area. (Notice sometimes we set part of the Story up for later ? Like the Small shirt thing and this last paragraph about no one will know we were there.... ? .... ;) )

So we head back and Bugler takes off like a BAnchee' saying something about Sharting. I'm not sure what that means but he's at a Full sprint now nd legs apart in a Gumby pokey type run. We take out time getting back to the Truck and Bugler has changed again to a new Outfit. Maybe it was the Different type of trees we were in ?!?! We hop in the Truck and go 1/8th mile up the Narrow road and Dump a load..... of bait that is. Crap falling off the dashboard and bouncing from the Back of the truck to the front.

Baiting with Gunner is always fun. He likes to Build Log houses and stack bait in it. I on the other hand, like to Dig a hole and set bait inside. To each their own I guess..... Bugler thows the 55Gallon Industrial Strength bag of Cereal down the Hill and Gunner dives and Catches it. Something about a New Move he learned on Brokeback Mountain or something....

Driving down the Mountain Gunner doesn't get in the Truck but lets us know he wants to "WALK THIS TRAIL" he seemed to have found. Bugler and me couldn't see it but wondered also were it went so We met Gunenr at the Hill base. Only slideing of fthe road 3 times and banging into 1 tree I felt safe driving down.... Gunner missed all that for some reason ?!!?

We went back to the Other bait site and the Log we used the last 3 years is 3' under water. Flows this year are Fetching Nuts. Bugler grabs the Bag I had and Tiptoes over a 6" Dia log like he jsut got back from the Olympics while Gunner and me look more like a Money humping a football for the first time. Bait was set and I thought My Shoes could get no wetter...... HUMMM Remember the "Learn something new" comment ? YAH, Part three will let you know what I mean..... :)

On the Way to site 3 we see a Big Ol' Gobbler (When I say "WE" I mean Gunner, because going 83mph around a 30mph corner... If nothing else.... I should be watching the road. We pull over and get out the Binos and Sure as Chit there it is. Strutting on Public land, right next to the road. Now, No offence to Turkey hunters but this is why I don't hunt turkeys on Purpose. If I wanted to kill one I'd hang the Shotgun out the Window and take it. We watched it for a Few mins and even thought about grabing the shotgun and going to get it but If I get a Bear early this year I need an excuse to still bear hunt later so we let it "Fly" to live for another day........

So we head back out and Bugler breaks out this Breast milk stuff again and it reminds me of Pizza Pockets. So we stop by a Gas Station to load up on a few needed items. this eating every 3 hours idea is great but it doesn't sound like a diet to me. MAybe I'm jsut not eating the right stuff ?!?! 2 Pizza Pockets, bean and cheese buritos.. a POP... and a BRAND new XL local town shirt. The Medium kids shirt I threw on at 5:30AM was constricting my blood flow to my brain so with this new Shirt came New Ideas, and more flow to the brain :)

We hit the Road and head out to check out a new spot. We drive around a road on the backside of were we have hunted before and Decide to get out and take a Look-see. This is were I realized I was hunting with not the "ID BUGLER" but the "ID GOBBLER".... Strikers, Goibblers, hen calls, box calls, turkey vests, flip down seat, Crow calls, flipping things, other noise makers, camo face mask, White T-shirt and Jean shorts..... we were set ;) We hike out and Strike a Call and hear one in the distance. Being 1PM already and something about someone telling their wife we were going to be home at 2PM we decided that we'd come back another time. For hecks sake, turkeys are everywere anyways.....

We drive down the road wondering how high the water is were we usually cross. Then we got there and looked over the cliff at the water.......
I'm not going to waste my time trying fix these yahoos stories but I will say that most of it is accurate to some degree. All I have to say is Moosie is probably pretty happy I used some ethics and didn't chit on that guys bait like he suggested. You'll understand later..... While these guys were busy building letters out of wood and making army trails in the snow, I decided this would be a good time to go for a run. :eek: Note to self it's hard to get a good work out with those damn gophers peeking out :confused: , but I made due with my best time split back to the truck. Something like a 1 minute mile.

Walking that far I could tell Gunner and Moosie were getting anxious to throw some bait so what do they do? They go 20 yards off a heavliy used walking/hiking trail and throw out some bait. I sit and laugh as Moosie digs a ground blind hole and gunner builds his next log home. As Gunner stated I may not be the most experienced bear baiter around but I do know something about getting away from people and roads when hunting. You guys may want to read the thread about trailcams missing!!!! Moosie then guarentees me that this site will produce the most, biggest bear around and how the bears are going pull off our other site to hit this great one...blah, blah, blah. Being the inexperienced bear hunter I am I just go along with what these monster bear slayers are telling me. :rolleyes:

After dumping #2 and looking for #3 site we decide to brave the rapids and bait site #4, well moosie and I do anyways. We go to moosies old property and get ready to load the boat and trailer. Moosie pulls out the hitch and remembers it doesn't fit with this trailer. Another paper weight moosie decided to bring along that we didn't need. We make due and throw the boat in the back of the truck and head to the class 5 rapids. We load the boat which is rated for a top weight of 200lbs with about 150lbs of food, Moosie, me and that shovel (I'm starting to understand what gunner is talking about with this damn shovel). After I get in I notice the boat is depressed enough to have water just overflow from the sides and I start thinking finally some adventure. Not at all worried since I did this last year with half a paddle and all my gear, but last year I didn't make it across. |oo Without time to waste moosie and I start heading up the side of the bank and shoot across. From the very beginning we start giggling like school girls and our pending death that is in front of us. I start to hear screams coming from the back of the boat ................
good greif... Lets go IB... I want to hear the rest of this. I totally believe your side of the story.. That moosie is lier :)

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