PEAX Equipment


Are those Adders in England? Like Puff Adders? I didn't know there were snakes there. The head is shaped much like our American Rattlers. I personally try to stay away from them as much as possible but sometimes you can't avoid them.DSCN1254.jpg
Not really a fan of snakes as they creep me out a bit, but can dig the pics. Well done.
Only had time to look at your bird photos and there are some spectacular shots in there, not a bad one in the mix. The group showing the waxwings reminded me of a time when I saw a flock of them which had descended on a crabapple tree which held fermented fruit late in the season. They had gorged themselves and were all drunk as lords, barely able to stay in the tree. Funny to watch!
Thank you all for your kind comments, yes these are English adders our only species of venomous snake. We also have a grass snake and a smooth snake. As long as you show them respect they shouldn't cause you any harm.
