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Above the law? Celeb hunters busted for poaching

Never heard of those committing game violations. Seems two of them have been on shows the Drury brothers run but does not appear they were involved. I rarely watch whitetail shows anyway. Sit in a stand in a tree at edge of farm field and then walk 50 yards to your truck to drive home for dinner and to sleep in your bed. That is hunting but not much fun to watch, in my opinion.
I think what they do on their shows is bad for hunting in general. A paid competition for game animals is just not right in my opinion.

I know one of the ranch/farms that the violations took place on. I am just glad that Game and Parks and FWS caught them. They were really a messed up outfit. There was another outfitter that was on my neighbor's property a few years back that got caught up in the same types of violations, but just not as severe.

It makes me smile to see these outfitters getting caught in their own greed.
Doesn't matter who they are, those are some weak-ass penalties for that many violations. Money (fines) doesn't hurt some of these people, loosing hunting rights does, they should be yanked for life in my opinion.
You rarely see punishment fit the crime in my estimation on game violations. Most judges do not see them the same way we do.

We had a big case here in Kansas a couple of years ago and to me it was a hand slapping compared to what I thought they should get.

I had never heard of these two either but look at the way it was reported and look whose name is plastered all over the article. The Drury's name is associated with these crimes by virtue of their shows connection to these people although there is no link to them committing any offences.
You know I probably should have left the "Celeb" part of the heading off because I think it's nowhere as important as these offenders being "outfitters". The article pulls the Drury's in association of them having been on their program and I guess they do have their own show of which I have never heard of but for me it is the shear amount of game violations and poaching they committed while operating the outfitting business and the seemingly small fines as consequence that bothers me most.

It reminded far too much of the Kansas case I linked in my other post where they profited greatly, offended greatly and were punished so slightly.

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