A Whitetail story

Great story and thanks for sharing. Speaking to you being sad after it all came together. I experienced this last year with my archery buck for the first time. I had a 3 year history with that deer and was truly sad to see the end of that adventure. It was so weird to have those feelings after putting so much into a goal. Very bitter sweet for sure.

8.5yr old deer I'd venture to guess?

Congrats and thanks for sharing!
Man, now THAT is a whitetail story. Awesome buck and the history you have with him is phenomenal. Congrats and thanks for that write up!
Great buck and story to go with it.

Easily the deer story of the year would be my prediction.

The picture with all the years of sheds is just awesome. I also think this pretty well disproves the "deer in regression" bullchit that we all hear about for every deer that makes it past 4 years old.

Congrats, well earned and deserved.
What a great story and congrats on such a great buck! I love how some big whitetails know how to disappear during rifle season.
This buck likely disappeared to a neighboring property. With the number of hunters we have during rifle season I have my doubts he would have lived as long as he did.
Great hunt and great buck he was truly a worthy animal to hunt that long. See bucks of that caliber here in the south just never have that kind of history with them cause they just are not visible in the thick cover. Truly a blessing to hunt that buck Congrats to you.
Amazing. One of the best threads of all time. His days were numbered when you decided to pick up the bow again. Much respect for both you and that buck. Congrats!!
I am fresh back from my bear hunt. What a sweet story to find on my return.

I don’t know if I am mad or glad that I got to read it all at once lol.

Hell of a story and hell of a buck. Your history with him makes it.

That palmation is something else.
With harvest going on right now I had not seen this thread, it was a great read from beginning to end. You have a talent with the bow and the pen/keyboard. It would be great to stumble onto a deer like that, but the history makes it truly a hunt of a lifetime! Harvest and hunting season have always been a painful conflict for me time wise, I really appreciate you sharing the hunt with all of us.
Trying to put my self in that situation. First off I probably would not have had that kind of patience and would have goofed up multiple times. The suspense of that whole ordeal would have been maddening for me.
As far as the sadness, umm, no! If I were to have pulled that off with my subpar ninja skills I think I would have to much disbelief to even think about being sad and if I did feel a little bit sad it would go away every time I looked at him on the wall.
Congratulations on a great hunt, history, story, and deer. Thanks for takung the time to share.
Awesome read! One of the best I have read on here. Also educational to see a whitetail buck grow horns like this at an older age. Debunking the downhill after age 4-5 bs that gets pushed by so many. Absolutely fantastic! Thank you
I like the big adventure-hunt stories in far off places as much as the next guy, but there is something exceptionally cool about being so in tune with one place, one animal, that this is one of my favorite hunting stories of all time. Your knowledge and dedication speak volumes and are so damn impressive. Congratulations on an incredible deer.
Caribou Gear

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