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A sad reminder, take precautions

I have never done a deer drive like that. What a terrible accident. Are these inherently dangerous as it seems? Seems even doubly crazy both were shot and killed.
They CAN be dangerous. Planning ahead plus clear communication are important. Had a friend lose his younger brother in a drive years ago. Been part of a couple myself but those days are over around here.
Never been a fan of deer drives for a number of reasons and this one is number 1 why I refuse in almost all cases. I don't know why basic gun safety is so difficult for some people.

Number 2 is the fact that I hate shooting at running animals and most animals run when you push them out of their bedding area.
Super sad. How did that even happen?
Total guess on my part, but with deer drives (and pheasant hunts for that matter) game goes streaking across your view, person pulls up and shoots at moving game, but they didn't notice that the game went right in line with another hunter. Pulled trigger at the wrong time misses the game and instead hits the people behind.

Happens with pheasant hunting often and sadly can happen with deer drives.
Combine deer drives with people shooting rifles or buckshot and practically no visibility through the brush and this is not as rare an occurrence as it should be. If you have never hunted deer in some parts of the east and south where this is common (though I am not saying this is the only style) it's hard to compare it even remotely to western deer hunting. But the analogy of pushing pheasants or rabbits is close. Quick shots at fleeing game at close quarters, with people around. Can be dangerous for people in the drive, and dangerous for people not involved in the drive... these are usually coordinated amongst a small group, but on public land there's little chance of accounting for who else might be around. It's not always even drives, just the terrain, visibility, and close proximity in general of eastern woods. It can happen one on one.

So tragic hearing about the young kid, above all.
people get shot every year here doing drives.. Iowa is a war zone in December
I have done a few in my younger years and they all ended in some type of mayhem, maybe a doe or two, and fortunately no one ever hurt. I don’t participate anymore for all the obvious reasons.
I don't have any experience with this sort of thing but did observe the results a group of guys came up with for elk.

There were six of them and all wore blaze orange hats and vests.

All walked abreast of within sight of one another.

When I came across them they had three cow elk down between themselves.