A poacher gets his due.


New member
Jun 5, 2004
North Pole, Alaska
Georgia hunter sentenced for killing Kodiak bear

The Associated Press
Published Thursday, September 4, 2008

ANCHORAGE -- A hunter from Georgia was fined more than $14,000 for killing a brown bear without a proper license last year in Kodiak.

Alaska State Troopers say 57-year-old Stan Steiner of Americus purchased a resident hunting license and bear tag without meeting residency requirements.

An Anchorage court also ordered Steiner to forfeit the bear hide and barred him from hunting in Alaska for two years.

What do you all think? Too light? Too heavy?

I think it sounds like a fair punishment. If it was an honest mistake, it sure does suck to be him. But if it was done intentionally, I hope this will deter him from doing it again.
Doesn't sound like an honest mistake to me, he was a non resident and bought a resident license and tag. the fine is perfect, time not allowed to hunt Alaska should be 10 years, not 2.
Depends on the situation and the details of what happened. Although unlikely, it's possible that it was an honest mistake and a minor detail or inability to completely prove that he was a resident long enough or did something that invalidated his residency elsewhere... in that case.. 14K would sting. If it was completely intentional, he probably got off too easy.
Will he have to pay all the 14k? Or is some of it suspended? If he has to pay it all then I think its a good punishment. I also think it might deter some people from trying to buy resident licenses in AK too.
14k ? I think it's fair, you have to pay to play. Mistake or not, 14k won't finish someone, but it puts a hurt in anyones hunting budget !!!

I think people know the difference between residence and nonresidence. In order to be a resident he would have to have had a local address ? If he used a 'Bama addy then why did the store sell him a local license ?
If it was intentional, which it looks like, I think he got off easy. Look at it this way, he took a chance to not hire a guide $12-14k on Kodiak so in that sense he gambled and lost what he would have spent. I say triple it, so the odds of getting away with it aren't what you'd spend by being honest.