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A Plea to All


New member
Jul 26, 2011
Southeast Idaho
If you pack it in, pack it out. If it falls out of your vehicle, pick it up. If your with someone that litters chew their arse and have them pick it up. Using public lands is a privilege, not a right. Deer season is in full swing here in Idaho. Guys park, jump on their ATVs and go hunting. They pack up and leave and there is a big pile of garbage left behind. Beer cans, pop cans and other garbage thrown out along the trails. Just absolutely disgusting. Anytime I see garbage while I am enjoying the outdoors I pick it up. I have literally filled up my backpack with garbage in a single day before. I certainly don't know how to get through to some of these people, but maybe the Forest Service should put up signs about picking up after yourself and if you don't there will be fines. I'd be willing to donate some wood and paint to make the signs myself. Anyone, my rant for the day. And while I'm at it, stay on the trails with your off road vehicles.
No sh......t! You wouldn't believe how much crap we picked up along roads and ATV trail this week. What really fries my arse is the idiots hunting on closed ATV trails during hunting season. Totally FFF clueless!!
My real pet peeve are the idiots or their offspring who hack up live trees in the campgrounds, leave fires burning. I could go on and on.
The TP thing, I always dug a hole did my business and then burnt the TP and then filled the hole back in. ??
I'm an asshole, I tend to take pictures of license plates and campgrounds where I see garbage accumulating and a chance it may not be picked up when camp is packed.

It may never amount to a fine, but it has in the past on some occasions and I feel that I am at least doing my part somewhat.
my take on this issue,if you get busted littering on public fishing,hunting,hiking,biking,land,skip the fines,make the person doing the littering,spend a mandatory 2 days out in the forrest,lake,jogging trail,along highway,freeway,or even on city streets picking up someone elses trash,the reason this a good punishment is because i have volentered my time on some occasions to clean up trash on forrest roads,and im here to tell you, i could not believe some of the things i found on the side of the road,used highgene prouducts,under wear,phones,porono pictures of peoples partners,just to name a few,so make the offender pick it up with his hands,and i guarranty,the offender will learn a lesson.:eek:
my take on this issue,if you get busted littering on public fishing,hunting,hiking,biking,land,skip the fines,make the person doing the littering,spend a mandatory 2 days out in the forrest,lake,jogging trail,along highway,freeway,or even on city streets picking up someone elses trash,the reason this a good punishment is because i have volentered my time on some occasions to clean up trash on forrest roads,and im here to tell you, i could not believe some of the things i found on the side of the road,used highgene prouducts,under wear,phones,porono pictures of peoples partners,just to name a few,so make the offender pick it up with his hands,and i guarranty,the offender will learn a lesson.:eek:

I agree totally. I have volunteered to help the local Lion's Club pick up garbage along I-15. It is amazing just how many bottles filled with someone else's urine there is. Not to mention all of the other disgusting things that are picked up.