Yeti GOBOX Collection

A once in a lifetime hunt--maybe !


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2018
I have no way of knowing what is in her future but at this time what she will receive for Christmas could very well be " a once in a life time hunt"

In order for you to give me your thoughts on such a hunt you need to know--

She has hunted all the normal stuff in the U.S. ( Elk, Moose, Turkey, Mountain Lion, Black Bear, Antelope, Deer--Mule, Whitetail, Coues ) . The funds can only be used for a hunting trip--Not for a rifle, car, or Cheese (-: . With 25000.00 plus transportation costs, my thoughts are:

A hunt for one animal. i.e. : Dall Sheep, Kodiak Is Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Marco Polo type of hunt

Two animals: i.e. : Goat and Caribou, Cape Buffalo and Kudu, Gemsbok and any other two, plains game animals , Ibex in Spain--plus another animal or two

She would not have the funds to hunt Elephant, Rhino, Lion, or Leopard --so those animals should not be considered.

I am leaning toward a hunt in Namibia ( Caprivi Strip area ) for Cape Buffalo which will provide an adrenaline hunt and then as many plains game as funds allow, starting with the Kudu and Oryx.

But wanted to hear your thoughts and suggestions --other hunts ideas, other combinations of hunts and.or animals, or possibly even two hunts, instead of one. Again as an example, a trip to Mexico for the Ocellated, as I have never forgotten how beautiful they were and then Alaska for Goat. Two completely different hunts and parts of the world but my thought is she should be able to afford to hunt the Ocellated in the future if she wants to, but a Goat /Caribou hunt might not be as easy.

What would she like to do ? All the above (-:

Obviously this will have to happen post Virus. And because of my age and health I would like to take advantage of my contacts and set this up sooner, not later --even if the hunt is ""later"

Ladies and Gentlemen : You thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you
For $25,000 she should easily be able to get a couple of trips. For example, Africa for buff and plains game + Eurasia for ibex. The ibex hunts I checked out were surprisingly cheap although primitive accomodations. The latter especially appealed to me. And the scenery puts the Grand Canyon to shame! However, the ibex hunter needs to be tough, fearless (especially of heights ... and armed religious fanatics in the neighbourhood), and a good shot.
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If she is lacking a sheep, I might lean that way. Those aren’t going to get any easier in the future, either financially or physically. But I’m possibly biased by my own bucket list 😉

Next on my list may be a combo hunt of some type. I always enjoy wringing as much experience out of an opportunity as possible.

Either way, I suspect she will be thrilled. Great gift.
Is there anything she’s more interested in? Personally I’m more interested in North American species and would go for the Dalls Sheep. Would be an amazing experience, and it’s a sweet animal too.
Of the overseas ideas, the ibex is the most intriguing to me.
I’ve also seen “The Swarovski Experience” advertised by Cabelas. That is intriguing to me as well. Could just research and book the hunt without doing the Swarovski piece if you want the funds to only go towards hunting.
Another vote for Dall Sheep. But that is completely personal, as I don’t have much interest in African game, but I have an intense interest in sheep. The country that Dall Sheep live in is stunning as well.

On another note, if you are ever in need of another grandson, let me know. I make a killer homemade Christmas card and have excellent lawn mowing and weed pulling skills. 😉
Wow, I'm thinking more than 1 or 2 memorable hunts could be wrung out of 25K? Nice challenge to figure out for sure, good luck!
She should adopt me and take me with for a packer..... no matter what the adventure😁
Again, I am adoptable.

But seriously, one of the sheep for the reasons @Hunting Wife mentioned.
Heh, she could grow her family substantially if she extended that invitation here.

@Europe I know you said she is interested in all of them, are there any hunts/locations she gets a little dreamy eyed about when you talk about them?

Out of those options I'd go with a Grizz/Caribou hunt if that can fit in the allotted budget or a Dall Sheep hunt, but she may be more interested in one of the other options listed.
Wow, what an awesome gift!!
Like others I also have an interest in mainly North American game and chasing sheep would definitely rank high. I’d also be tempted to try caribou and goat, just to squeeze the most bang for your buck. Both trips would get you into some trophy country, so it’s a win win! Good luck on whatever route you take!
April, Hunting wife is correct. The costs of the Dall hunt will continue to go up and as she ages the hunt will become more difficult for her. This hunt, at least in The Yukon Territories, is a magnificent hunt. The scenery is just beautiful.

I actually dont recommend the Polar, unless it is for someone like yourself who have already hunted everything else. It is a very restrictive hunt. Your in the dog sled and room for most of the hunt, you need to really like the cold, ice and snow to enjoy the scenery AND you can not take any part of the animal into the States, at this time.

The Marco Polo would be another that would be after everything else has been hunted for me, as all the pictures I have seen, the area where they are hunted is not that pretty.

Goat and Caribou. I think she can hunt Caribou without a guide in Alaska, but Goat hunts are a fun hunt and in pretty country. As for the Grizzly hunt, I would contact Salmonchaser as I bet he could save her some money on that hunt

Africa does intrigue me and it would be hard for me to say no to an Africa Safari. I have no interest in the Buffalo, but I would hunt as many plains game as money and time would allow. And it is warm.. :cool:

Just a heads up and in an attempt to make her trip as comfortable a possible. She should not be traveling alone or with any male's. So as busy as we are, Hunting Wife and I will put our lives on hold to assist her on her hunt ;)
The best answer is completely arbitrary because the best would reflect what she would like to do rather than my preferences.
What has been her favorite hunts so far?
Does she enjoy type 2 kinds of hunts where hardship and deprivation add to the sense of accomplishment or do those things detract from enjoyment of the experience?
I know what would be higher on my bucket list but that’s probably due to my experiences and what I view as potentially possible rather than an understanding of what could be most enjoyable.
My dream hunt would be plenty of time in the high country with good companions who have a similar love for wild places and have the patience and desire to teach me things I don’t know about the animals and the area.
It would involve just enough hardship that I would appreciate the good days, and just enough sun on my face and fires to warm my hands around that I wouldn’t let the adversity convince me I should be back home.
It would probably involve white curly horned sheep rather than an even higher desire for a Stone Sheep since those hunts are now priced higher than I can justify even if I had the money.
It would probably be Canada in an area that hopefully doesn’t have so much competition from other hunters that it would feel like a race to the finish line.
At any rate, regardless of your decision, I hope she understands and appreciates her great fortune in having someone like you in her life to think about and want to give her good experiences. I suspect that 20 years from now that will be a better memory than whatever she does on the hunt.
The Caprivi hunt would be a no brainer for me. This is the only international hunt beside Newfoundland Moose I have on the agenda.