A little elk help wanted....


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2016
I have a 1st rifle tag in CO. I made it up to scout a new area and found some elk feeding across a mountainside. There were no other hunters in the area and I don't anticipate there will be between now and the start of 1st rifle.

1. Heavy snow aside, what is the likelihood with peak-rut/post rut time period the elk will move very far in the next 2-2.5 weeks (season opens Oct 14)?

2. If you see elk feeding in an opening between two draws with timber, what things besides the wind/thermals should I be thinking about when planning a stalk?

3. If I am able to glass them in their beds or bedding area, it seems like a crapshoot which way they will go when they get up from there... any thoughts on this?

Thanks for the help!
Congratulations on finding some elk in the area of your tag. Stay on them. I'm sure they will move some between now and the opener. Good luck.
If they are in the area consistently, My guess is they will be within a mile or so in the next 2 weeks assuming they have ample water, food and cover. Have you scouted the surrounding mountainside for beds, water, food, and cover? However, you can't control other hunters in scouting over the next 2 weeks. Also, be first on the mountain opening morning. Those of us that don't have time to scout prior make it a priority to be in the woods before other hunters. Its our only leg up on those that did have time to scout. Good luck!
Thanks for posting this. I'm in the same boat as you. Posted my question on another forum and gotten less responses than you.
I see them moving based more on food availability where they are at, if they do move. Seasons are changing, elk are smart at moving finding more nutritional food sources as seasons change preparing for winter, Unless predator or someone bumps them, I don't see them moving to far off. Like stated above, maybe a mile or two. Elk can and will travel several miles between bedding and food source depending on conditions and safety. If both are in relative proximity you easier to hopefully keep track of them.

As for what directions elk will go after bedding depends on time of day. In Theory, the elk should be acting according the thermals in the morning and evening as for feeding up in the morning and thermals go down hill, allows them to smell anything above them, and vise-versa in the evening. There is always an exception to the rule that everyone witnesses. Especially if feeding and bedding is close together.

Great job scouting and finding the animals! Stay on them and good luck!
The rut is a bit late in Colorado this year so be sure and have a call or two handy. Before sunrise bugles are commonplace if the rut is even in the winding down stage. South slopes are feeding areas, north slopes for bedding and being in the area early is a necessity to catch them moving . Pay attention to the thermals as they usually are very consistent unless a weather change is coming.
Caribou Gear

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