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A Few King Salmon Pics


New member
Aug 10, 2002
My buddy and I went out Saturday a.m. for some King fishing on the Deshka River. Fish and Game released an emergency order to up the limit of fish from one to two, so we decided to jump on the opportunity. We ended up at the landing at 4:50, about 20 minutes later than we wanted to and as a result we fought the crowds. We ended up at the hole 15 minutes prior to legal fish time and this was what we saw...


Needless to say this had little effect on the outcome of our morning. We started fishing at 6 a.m. and I was finished by 7 a.m. I hooked and landed a small hen, then foul hooked a nice male, released it and not 5 minutes later landed another hen, this one much larger than the first.

My buddy finished up about 30 minutes later after myself. He hooked and landed a nice 30 lb male, then hooked into a fighter, but lost it before it could get netted. About an hour passed and he finally hooked into another King...another keeper about 30 lbs.

A few more pics...



Hehehe....Now THAT's what we call " COMBAT FISHING"...

Interesting, but not for me...I'd rather settle for much smaller fish and not have to buck the crowds..

Nice kings, by the way...
Really nice fish Ovis. Thanks for the story. I see your using your time up in the great North very wisely... Way to go
Good going on the kings. ;) How many guys tangled lines when them kings run in close quarters like that. I bet there was a bit of "controled mayhem" going on :D
Hey guys! Believe it or not, things are very organized (for the most part). Things really get fun when fish run with the line and get tangled up in props and anchor lines :D