Caribou Gear Tarp

"A Christmas Story", the movie


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Watched this last evening with two of my grandsons, 6 and 4. What a classic...they loved it. Now they believe every gift under our tree is a BB gun.:)
That one is as good as a classic can be.

If we hadn't talked "Egghead" Ennis into licking the flagpole on a cold January morning while growing up in Northern Minnesota, I don't think I would laugh so hard about that scene. As it is, I laugh hysterically, for hours, everytime I see that part.

At our house, when a package comes in the mail, we call it "A major award" like the leg lamp the old man was so proud of winning.

And when we hear dogs howling, we call the owners "Bumphuses," like the turkey-stealing dogs at the end of this movie.

Man, that is a funny show. When I get home, I am gonna have to dust off the DVD and watch it for the 200th time.
...fa-ra-ra-ra=ra-rah...fa-ra-ra-rah:D :D :D :D kids still sing that when we go to P.F. Chang.
I love it when the younger brother falls over in all his cold weather gear. Mainly because it reminds of how my buddy Jorge looked in Montana one year when it was 8 below zero on an elk hunt. He looked just like that kid, but in camo.
did you know that actually licking the pole does make your tounge stick and when ya pull it off its hurts like a sum bitch?
have to buy the DVD since I'll be at the farm again this christmas with no cable or satelite tv. watch it at least 3-4 times every christmas eve. even have a t-shirt that says ' I triple dog dare you."