Yeti GOBOX Collection

A Call to Arms


New member
Aug 3, 2003
Tucson, AZ
It is finally here, Arizona is heading right down the same path as Kalifornia. Soon there will be no hunting in Arizona, and most will wonder, why?

The animal rights groups have declared war on hunters, and most hunters don't have a clue. Today, the Animal Defense League ran half page adds in all of the major newspapers in Arizona. These adds are calling on all the anti's to show up at the G&F meeting this Staurday and tell the commision to Stop Lion Hunting in Arizona. And if this meeting is anything like the last Commision meeting in Tucson, the Anti's outnumbered the hunters 10 to 1.

So "what can I do" you are asking. We are asking all hunters to show up at the G&F commision meeting at 7:30 to 8:00am, and fill out blue cards to speak to the commision. We need to fill the building so that when the Anti's show up there is no room for them in the meeting room. Now, I am sure that many of you think that you are not good at speaking in public. Well all we are asking you to say is one sentence. Something like this.

"Hi, my name is John Doe, and I support this commision, the department, and the current mountain lion management in Arizona." If you feel like saying more go right ahead. We need as many voices as possible.

Dont wait until mountain lion hunting is BANNED to take a stand. Stand up for hunting, and we together can make a difference.

The commision meeting is this Saturday the 17th at 8:00am. The meeting is being held at the Faternal Order of Police Lodge #2, 12851 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85029

Please forward this to all your friends and please take the time to show up.

If any one from Tucson needs a ride to the meeting we have 2 car pools going that direction. Please e-mail me at [email protected]


Lance Altherr
Somebody might mention that since Kalifornia banned hunting Mt Lions, attacks on livestock & HUMANS has increased big time. I don't have the exact numbers, but I'll bet it's up ten fold. Mention the guy that got KILLED and the woman who was attacked last summer down by L.A. The womans friend literaly had a tug of war with the lion trying to pull the screaming woman off into the bushs.
Man that sucks. Did you run an ad in the paper also for hunters to attend? As A-con said, you need to bring up the attacks in California, they could have a lot of power.

[ 04-15-2004, 18:13: Message edited by: Elkhunter ]
I sure hope you guy's get it together and have a big showing, I saw this happen in Washington, it didn't get to the point where you couln't hunt them, but Washington is pretty mountainous and and brushy, to spot and stalk or call them in is almost an impossibility with out years of practice...
I hope every AZ hunter that can attend this meeting does. I'm working to re-arrange my schedule right now so I can make it.
When that happened in Oregon, alot of hunters voted with the hippies. Now 10 years later the Blacktail population in Oregon is half the size. Well luckily fish and game says its from hair loss desease and loss of habitat. Gee I thought it was from the 1 deer a week minimum the cats are eating and the bears having a hay day during fawning season. Your going to be out spent 10-1 by the eco-freaks, and most the hunters won't believe its really happening. Once a real organization is founded to fight this post an address and I'll send a donation, you'll need every penny you can raise.

Just got off the phone with Mark Zorn (sp) of Game and Fish game branch. The AR folks have out faxed sportsmen regarding the meeting coming up this Saturday. He tells me that they have received over 200 faxes from the AR contingent and 3 from sportsmen!

Sportsmen!! I will echo an earlier sentiment from other folks in this thread....if sportsmen do not take this seriously and get bodies to this meeting we will quickly lose our battle to maintain lion hunting. At that point we will be a pitiful reflection of the situation in Kalifornia.

Game and Fish game branch division is taking faxes of support on their lion management program at: 602-789-3929. If you can not be there in person this Saturday make sure that you send a fax of support to game branch division so this acts as your proxy vote in favor of the current lion management plan.

Ladies and gentlemen, do not think for a second that this issue is just going to go away.....we are being targeted and so is what we do as a recreation. Stand by and do nothing and you most certainly will force all of us to lose the recreation love and the ability of our Game and Fish Department to manage our rich wildlife resource.

Show up Saturday and/or send a fax. We have got to offset the 200 faxes that the AR folks have gotten in so far.......come on sportsmen...."walk the walk and talk the talk". Kick these carpet bagging AR folks off the discussion table. You have only yourself to blame if you do nothing. Times have changed for us....apathy and "polly anna" thoughts no longer get us anything.

Please send this to every hunter you know!!
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