Caribou Gear

A ? about wolves and marketing.

I think it's a demographic thing. Does that ad have the same effect in a state dealing with wolves as it would in a huge urban area? mtmuley

Probably not. We have to remember that people in the urban areas have been fed a steady diet of misinformation and misleading portrayals of animals and our relationship with them.
When the ''Rockstar'' wolf was killed awhile back,I remember reading some of the comments made by the less informed and being amazed,but if you stop and think about it,it makes sense. Since Birth these people have been bombarded with an unrealistic portrait of animals,is it any wonder that they project human emotion and characteristics on to them.
I just wish that a company that I have every reason to believe has a more realistic understanding of wolves and their place in the World,hadn't felt the need to reinforce peoples unrealistic notions.
Probably not. We have to remember that people in the urban areas have been fed a steady diet of misinformation and misleading portrayals of animals and our relationship with them.
When the ''Rockstar'' wolf was killed awhile back,I remember reading some of the comments made by the less informed and being amazed,but if you stop and think about it,it makes sense. Since Birth these people have been bombarded with an unrealistic portrait of animals,is it any wonder that they project human emotion and characteristics on to them.
I just wish that a company that I have every reason to believe has a more realistic understanding of wolves and their place in the World,hadn't felt the need to reinforce peoples unrealistic notions.

WADR, the same thing is true for folks in rural areas. Everyone has a tendency to believe what they want to believe, so when the "smoke a pack a day" crowd gets rolling on their BS about non-native wolves, etc, it leaves the 80% in the middle to try and form a reasonable policy. There's an unrealistic expectation by some rural folks to think that only their voice matters in terms of wildlife management and land management for that matter.

The USFWS split the baby down the middle on this one and I think that states like Oregon & Washington will continue their wolf programs because their population bases want wolves. That will impact ranchers who will continue the fight for management but under possibly easier circumstances than if they had to face the fights we did under the ESA.
WADR, the same thing is true for folks in rural areas. Everyone has a tendency to believe what they want to believe.

No doubt. Wouldn't it be great if those ''Beliefs'' were based on reality.

I remember reading the vile comments made to Big Fin about the wolf episode. Those people ''Believe'' that Critters harvest of that wolf was akin to the murder of another human being.Wonder where they got that idea? Could it be that they have been bombarded with the message animals are just like us? After all animals enjoy hanging out around a campfire singing songs with each other as much as we do. I mean wolves and I are one in the same, we both dig hanging out in a meadow with what I can only assume is a pretty woman!

I keep waiting for one of the internet tough guys and one of the wolf lovers to actually come face to face with one.

I keep waiting for one of the internet tough guys and one of the wolf lovers to actually come face to face with one.

If you would quit wasting so much time up at the state capitol and spend more time in front of the boob tube, you would already know how that would play out.

Spoiler Alert!

Tough guy,hugger and Mr.Wolf all embrace one another,have a good cry and vow to be friends forever. Then out of nowhere the bikini clad ladies appear,a festive soundtrack starts to play the beer starts to flow and the birds start to sing. I can't believe you missed that one Ben.;)

They all live happily ever after.
I think it's great. Here's an American manufacturing company who is expanding and growing their product line, adding jobs to a fairly small town and producing goods in America. They've been smart enough to tap into several different markets from military to hunting to climbing and with Dana's repuation as a bag guru, he's got a ton of support from different sides of the conservation community (enviros love him so do hunters). Now they're marketing to young, active folks who love wildlife and have a passion for the outdoors but aren't pigeonholed by the hunting or military labels. People need quality gear; why not choose a bag made in America?

Would you quit buying Leupold scopes because they market gear to long range hunters?

I'm not going to kick a dead horse here, but if you don't understand that the perception of wolves by non-hunters isn't a large part of the issue, you are sadly mistaken.

Why isn't defending coyotes a million dollar business?
I'm not going to kick a dead horse here, but if you don't understand that the perception of wolves by non-hunters isn't a large part of the issue, you are sadly mistaken.

Why isn't defending coyotes a million dollar business?

Two beer comment a coyote is a cunning weazel.
Would you quit buying Leupold scopes because they market gear to long range hunters?

If Leupold was sponsoring Japanese whaling ships, and then marketing Redfield binoculars to whale watchers? Yes, I would think twice about buying one of their products.
I'm not going to kick a dead horse here, but if you don't understand that the perception of wolves by non-hunters isn't a large part of the issue, you are sadly mistaken.

Why isn't defending coyotes a million dollar business?

It is a million dollar business. Work to erode funding for Wildlife Services, research monies being used for finding better management tools and the. There's PETA.

your comment about whaling ships is ridiculous. It overblows the issue completely. Wolves aren't nasty mean spirited jackwads waiting around every corner to kill something. They are a wild animal doing what they do best. Quit anthropomorphizing them. Treat them like all other wildlife be they lions, elk or bears. We can manage the, effectively if we use science instead of fairy tales.
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Exactly Spook 12. Notice how the head of the wolf blends into the body of the woman? Wildlife as pet, as companion, and friend, as fellow human being. The woman isn't spotting a couple of wild canines, she is sharing space with them as companions,

For the vast majority of Americans a dog or a cat are the only non human wildlife they've ever encountered. Many people delay marriage or children, dogs are often the only other in their house. They are family.

When someone shoots a wolf from Yellowstone they are murdering.

I hope this company makes plenty of money off their advertising. I certainly don't begrudge them that, but I do have a problem with how most wildlife is portrayed in most media.
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