73 ranch sold

The benefit of APR completing this with their money is that they were not involving the BLM, thus they don't have to use the BLM appraisers or appraisal process. That BLM appraisal issue/process is what killed the prior deal - the appraisal under how the BLM wanted to do it came in lower than what was agreed to with the seller.

APR can use independent outside appraisers and doesn't have to run it by the BLM. It results in values the seller is willing to take and eliminates any private inurement issues that could have been raised by having lower appraised value.

This is very good for the seller. They got the best possible price the market could provide for. Imagine if the bill introduced this last legislative session had passed; a bill stating that landowners would not be able to sell to non-profit groups. Passage of that bill likely would have cost this seller, and probably other sellers in future transactions, millions of dollars. Given this sale went through against the wishes of some, I suspect we will see more of those kind of anti-property rights bills in the next legislative session.
Here’s my Great, Great Grandfather that homesteaded the current 73 Ranch in 1900. I’m thankful that I will be able to recreate on the property since my family hasn’t had access to it since the 60’s. 8D6BC97B-0A7E-4711-99D4-8762BFFE5D8A.jpeg


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