NEW SITKA Ambient 75

6 weeks from Last Friday....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
... I will be in Utah with my Elk tag. 5 weeks from now IDBugler will be in Wyoming with our Wyoming Elk tag (Bow Portion). Just wondering if anyone has an Elk tag that is Sooner ? I'm not used to chasing elk before Mid October or first part of November. Not that I'm complaining but it seems way to early and hot still...... But I'm still excited :D
Heading out Aug. 31, hoping it's going to be cool enough. We're taking a freezer and a generator to cool down the meat right away. It's is wierd hunting that early when it's that hot out though. Takes a lot of quick hard work to make sure the meat is ok. Goodluck!
Archery season here starts in less than 3 weeks, but I won't be out.
4 weeks from tomorrow I'll be chaseing bighorns with my buddy, then 6 days after that I'll be chaseing elk and deer. :) The summer shure has flown by.
I don't get to start til the 15th of September. I could go chase some elk on the first, but doubt that will happen cause of time.
Good luck on your hunts.Though with the pictures that have been posted,pretty sure you'll shoot a big one.I hopefully will be chasing elk around labor day.
Aug 30th Rifle for Elk in Owyhees(Unit 40/42) here in Idaho. For my son of course, I would never get the chance to draw that tag.
Don't go for one of them long spindly types oscar,get one of those thick heavy beamed sods, are we picking a score? I reckon 356.
You recon close I hope... But only time and My Itchy Trigger finger will tell....

2 Weeks BEEEEEETYCHS !!!!!!!!!
So what are you looking at two weeks from today ?

Well, I'm probably looking at Sore legs, Alot of Utard ATV's, some country I've never seen before, IDBuglers back, a Box of Doghnuts, and Ants on the ground.

Either way, I'll have some Pictuers of sum'thin' :D :D
I'm getting pretty pumped. I head out this coming Friday after work for a week long archery hunt in Wyoming. Then off to help Moosie pack out his 376 3/8" 7x6 bull elk.

It's getting close..................
Good luck, its getting close. Swing for the fences and kill one better than the money tag guy did last year. Why not aim for something like top 4 ever.