54% Say War in Iraq was not Worth It....

I love it when people expect the president to "fix" healthcare.

How much do you pay for Health Insurance each month?

Who do you think will do better on Health Care?
I work in health insurance and health care financing and NOBODY HAS A SOLUTION ESPECIALLY ANY POLITICIAN.

I work with some very large Association Health Plans who have formed self insured co-ops to try and reign in out of control health insurance costs. This does reduce some costs but it does nothing to the cost of claims. The reason rates are high is because the cost of claims is high, it is that simple. You can argue that the insurance companies are raping the rate payers but you need to look at their profit margins. If it was easy money to underwrite health insurance and make a profit why are there fewer companies doing it then there were even two years ago?

Every time we get "help" from Washington in the form of new regulations and rules ie. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) we get new mandates and requirements that cost a fortune. Both candidates want to address the availabliltiy of health care but not the cost of healthcare. If you force insurance companies to accept everyone regardless of their health or pre-existing conditions the rates must rise to pay for the claims those people will bring into the system.

I am not all pro insurance companies becuase I get Pi@@ed off and frustrated with them every day of I come into work but if it were so easy to just make care affordable some company would have done it by now and taken a huge piece of market over. That has not happened.

There is no way either one of the candidates will do anything to reduce the costs of health care and anyone who believes they will is putting their head in the sand. END OF RANT

Now was the war necessary depends upon which point in time you look at it from. It appears now that there were not any WMD's in Iraq but we did not know that pre invasion.

I vote

yeh or yeah or yes or whatever it is to mean that it was worth it and will continue to worth it in the future.


Right now, our counties are being burdened with picking up health care of the uninsured. Which ends up in being a Tax on me, as I am the one who funds the County.

If I am going to pay for other people's health care, then shouldn't we all acknowledge it up front?
Yeah 5
Neah 1

81.5% "FOR"
18.5% "AGAINST"..

The margin is getting smaller.. and the bleeding hearts with no grasp of reality are beginning to retreat..

Oops.. that should read "..advance in a different direction..."

But I am guessing their poll is a bit better predictor than your poll....
Are you saying they poll better people then who post here ?

If Bush Wins and Kerry is ahead in the polls, what does that say for the polls ?

Right now, our counties are being burdened with picking up health care of the uninsured. Which ends up in being a Tax on me, as I am the one who funds the County.

If I am going to pay for other people's health care, then shouldn't we all acknowledge it up front?
You may want to go back and check on exactly who the county is paying for. It is not paying for all the uninsured. It is paying for those eligible for medicaid. Medicaid does not cover a huge number of uninsured because they are neither the very young, the elderly nor indigent. The vast majority of medicaid dollars are federal dollars, so we are all helping you out. You are being taxed way higher for the medicare that goes to snowbirds playing golf in January in Palm Springs.

WOW now we are talking health care.

you know health care wouldnt be so high if

Lawyers didnt file frivious lawsuit or sue for outlandish amounts.
doctors were honest
Illegal's didnt over burden our system,


EG asked earlier who would be better with Health Care.

It will sound like heresy to most to hear an insurance guy say this but: The attorney's provide a very real and necessary service for those injured in malpractice. Are there abuses, of course but if you have ever needed an attorney
after a malpractice issue.

Yes 5
No 2


Because I can vote however I want to
Nut...I've never heard of you saying "no" to anything. Maybe you're saying that so someone will get mad and hit you. That way you would get touched by someone. And, as we all know, Nut doesn't care what kind of touch it is, as long as he is getting touched.
;) :D :D :D

BTW...I vote no.

Yes - 5
No - 3

Thats 62.5% for and 37.5% against
War good...

3 no 33.3%
6 yes 67.7%

Good post Nemont!

With all the money gunner pays in taxes why do the rest of us have to shell out any at all? How can gunner as a democrap complain about taxes, isn't that the corner stone of the donkey platform? Raise taxes to pay for programs that don't work, but make you feel good because you're doing something!

I will agree that neither candidate will do jack for the healthcare system. I personally like that Kerry it saying that he's going to make the healthcare plan that HE and the other senators have, made available to all Americans... Isn't it all ready? Wouldn't we just have to pay more?

Here in the people's republic of MD, there is a huge shortage of Obstitricians (sp) like 30% of what is needed. They can't afford to practice because they would spend about 8-9 months just paying off thier malpractice insurance. I think that the doctors should be held accountable but to what extent? $1m for a dead baby or $50m? Does more money justify the death? How do you put a price on life? Good ol' lawyers seem to think they'er justified in putting that number out there and getting it... Our governor is trying to push a bill through to put some sort of a "cap" on the lawsuits. Chit happens thats life! I don't see any quick fix for the health care problem anytime in the near future... especially in the next four years.

Personally, if you think that either one of these candidates is going to change America in the next four years back to what we had pre 9-11, you should see the ocean front property I got for sale in West Virginia... It has a sweet view and lots of sand!
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