54% Say War in Iraq was not Worth It....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Bush's approval rating slipping
By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — President Bush and Sen. John Kerry head toward their third and final televised debate this week with voters increasingly pessimistic about the economy, the war in Iraq and the battle against terrorism, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows.

Unease about the country's direction has eroded Bush's job approval rating into dangerous territory for an incumbent president. And Kerry holds a decided advantage on the domestic issues that will be the focus of their last face-to-face encounter.

Even so, voters' judgment by 45% to 30% that Kerry did better than Bush in their second debate Friday didn't significantly change the contest between them.

The poll, taken Saturday and Sunday, puts Kerry at 49% and Bush at 48% among likely voters. Independent candidate Ralph Nader is at 1%. That's almost unchanged from the Gallup survey taken a week earlier.

Among all registered voters, Kerry and Bush each had 48%. In the 17 states that both campaigns see as most competitive, Kerry was at 48%, Bush at 45%.

The debate Wednesday is the last chance for voters to see the candidates side-by-side — and the main chance for the candidates to change the dynamics of the campaign in its final, frenetic three weeks.

The 90-minute forum, at Arizona State University in Tempe, begins at 9 p.m. ET.

"We see very strong momentum to John Kerry nationally, particularly in the battleground states," says Mark Mellman, Kerry's pollster. He says the debates have given Kerry an opportunity to outline his proposals and raise questions about Bush's course.

Matthew Dowd, chief strategist for the Bush campaign, says growing concern about terrorism, Iraq and the economy hasn't boosted voters' trust in Kerry to handle those issues. Bush retains an advantage of 17 points on handling terrorism, 7 points on Iraq.

But Bush's approval rating — the most reliable measure of a president's re-election prospects — has dropped to 47%, the lowest since July. Anything below 50% is considered a red flag for incumbents.

Also in the poll:

• Nearly two of three voters call the economy only fair or poor. A plurality says it's getting worse. In September, a plurality said it was getting better.

• Attitudes about Iraq are as negative as they were in May, the previous low point — a time soon after photos of abused Iraqi prisoners had been released and an American contractor beheaded. A 54% majority now says the war wasn't worth it.

• Confidence that the United States is winning the war on terror also slipped a bit, though a majority still express satisfaction with how it's going.

Kerry is preferred on almost every domestic issue over Bush, with an edge of 29 points on the environment, 19 points on health care, 13 points on the federal budget deficit. He holds an advantage on handling Medicare, Social Security, education and the economy.
Polls Are for people that can't face the Facts.

Gunner, Take a Poll here who though it was Worth it....

I say it WAS you say (I'll take a guess and say it wasn't worth it)

So it's



People please continue the poll.......
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

Who do you think will do better on Health Care?
YAH, Start another poll (In a different topic, that just proves why Polls suck, It can Be influenced with Jubberish.

Can you tell me how a National Poll is betterthen a Moosie POLL ? My brother in law did Phone surveys and Let me tell you the Science is MORE flawed then this poll...

Just watch the Numbers Gunner... and stick to the Topic. You said "the war wasn't worth it" this poll is About that.

Don't cry my friend, jsut face the Facts you're wrong :D
Lets actually post the NEY % and not the YEH percentages...

2- war good
1 - war bad

polls look like only 33.33% instead of the 54% you were boasting gunner...
Uhhh...Actually I posted the article about Dubya's sinking Approval Rating, but I headlined it on the 54% item, as I knew I could dupe the Dubya Sheep into reading the post about the Majority of Americans thinking the war was not worth it.... And it worked...
Uhhhhhh ACTUALLY It didn't work Because I saw a title and a Long cut and Paste Article I never read. It could have been how great Bush was or about how you jog every day. I jsut wanted to do my Own poll to prove what you wrote was wrong.......And it worked...
Ahhhh Bringing up my Spelling and Changing topics to 350 Class bulls (In another topic) still doesn't make what you wrote correct.

I can Accept the fact I type like crap.. Now Accept what you cut and paste is also just that.

33.3% is a Far cry from 54%, let the polls continue....
You're sounding like Elkchsr with "How did I stab Moosie in the Back" line after Everything I write :D :D

Let this thread be about how your poll is Wrong.....and Polls are Flawed.
It ain't my Poll, it is the USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll. I don't own it, I just read it...

But I am guessing their poll is a bit better predictor than your poll....

Then Moosie wouldn't post in it, if it required proper spelling and grammar....
That's Right... I wouldn't. And if I did , I would post random things in there to kill the thread when It doesn't go my way like "SOME" other posters.

Here is a recent Poll done by the Arabs.....

1. من المسئول الأول عن تشوه صورة العرب لدى المجتمع الأمريكي ؟
اللوبي الصهيوني حكام العرب أغنياء العرب العرب المهاجرين الشعوب العربية الحكومات الأمريكية الشعب الأمريكي أطراف أخرى لا أعرف

معلومات و خدمات إضافية ... النتائج ساحة الحوار

2. هل أدت الحكومات العربية فعلا ما عليها ليكون لها نفوذ مؤثر على القرار الأمريكي ؟
نعم لا أعرف لا

معلومات و خدمات إضافية ... النتائج ساحة الحوار

3. هل تعتقد أن لأمريكا أهداف خفية في حربها على ما تسميه الإرهاب ؟
نعم لا أعرف لا

معلومات و خدمات إضافية ... النتائج ساحة الحوار

4. هل تعتقد أن أسلوب تعامل أمريكا مع الدول الإسلامية سيحل مشكلة ما تسميه الإرهاب ؟
نعم ستقل المخاطر لا أعرف لا ستزيد مشاكلها

معلومات و خدمات إضافية

It clearly Shows that they Want Kerry in the Office. That was done by Iraq Today/DDG/Halsuine Poll. I'm sure it's as credited as the USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll........
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