Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

50 Years to get a Wolf Hunting Season, 8 Days to Get an Idiot Poacher....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Does a lot for the image of "hunters" when you have ignorant rednecks driving around shooting wolf pups from the back of their pickup, in a road, in a closed area.

Hang 'em high..... :mad:

September 09, 2009
Eagle man cited for poaching a wolf outside a designated hunting zone
BY ROCKY BARKER - [email protected]
An Eagle man was cited Tuesday by Idaho Fish and Game wardens for shooting a wolf outside of an open hunting zone.
The hunter, who was not immediately identified, was issued citations for shooting a wolf in a closed season and shooting from a public road. Witnesses told officers he shot the wolf while standing in the road at the back of his pickup truck.

The wolf was shot about 6 p.m. Sunday in the McCall-Weiser wolf zone, which is closed to wolf hunting.

He called the 24-hour wolf harvest reporting line Tuesday morning and reported that the wolf had been killed in the Sawtooth wolf zone. Later that day he checked in the wolf at the Fish and Game office in the Nampa. He later told officers he thought he was in the Sawtooth wolf zone until he looked at a map back in camp Sunday evening.

An illegal take would be charged to the harvest limit of the zone in which it occurred. In this case, the wolf will be taken out of the McCall-Weiser wolf zone harvest limit.

The wolf is a small female, still a pup. Officers seized the wolf hide and skull, a rifle, camera and tag.

The investigation is ongoing and charges have not been filed with the court.
Does a lot for the image of "hunters" when you have ignorant rednecks driving around shooting wolf pups from the back of their pickup, in a road, in a closed area.

The article should be taken to task for calling this guy a hunter. Joe that why it gives hunters a bad image. By connecting us to those guys.
The article should be taken to task for calling this guy a hunter. Joe that why it gives hunters a bad image. By connecting us to those guys.

The guy is from Lousiana, orignally. someplace called Winnfield, Louisiana, transplanted to Idaho. He had a hunting license, a tag, a gun, and grew up near where Draftstud calls home.... You want to call him a poacher, a hunter, or an ignorant redneck?
and grew up near where Draftstud calls home.... You want to call him a poacher, a hunter, or an ignorant redneck?

...seriously doubt you'd call him or Draftstud anything.....without a keyboard.:cool:
hey....he's not a hunter...and they ought to throw the book (and the butt of his rifle) at him!
come on jose...that was an unnecessary shot...draftstuds a quality dont judge 1 person by the actions of another.
Jose, You know the only reason you use the words Redneck with Hunter was to key on emotions of the moment. Nemont and Miller had posted Poaching cases and you By passed them to Flame Up like only you can do. If the dude is from the backwoods of Louisiana, shame on him. BTW, was he hunting with a Resident or a NonResident tag? I guess he is a resident being from Eagle. John
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