PEAX Equipment



New member
Jan 10, 2001
Grand Lake Stream ME USA
Found a track late yesterday of a 40lb. Bobcat.To late in the day to try him.But got a new snow about 2" last night.Going to try him today,Got a sport in for the week and he wants a big one.Wiss me luck.

We having fun yet//Tobey
Good luck Tobey and scan us a picture or two when ya have time. Wish we had more of them out here. The trappers keep them pretty thinned out.bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Now I know why he's a 40lber LOL It was still snowing when we left here this morning.
Left right from the house on snow sleds.Right where I see his track yesterday there it was again and brand new.Itwas still spitting snow and not a flake in his track.Out came Baldy and Lucy and the chase was on.That cat lined out for 3 miles before he decided to circle,and then he only circled one time and onto our snow sled tracks and run them for another mile back.Then tried the same trip again.They finally got him screwed down in a tight circle and we got to within 30yds several times but couldn't see him.(Don't you love them spruce thickets)Long story short he got away.I must say our hunter has a lot of respect for a cat hound now,And the men that follow them!!!!!!

And we are still having fun !!!!!

We having fun yet//Tobey
Thats why I love to bobcat hunt 10-1 over lion, if that was a lion out here, race would have been over 3 miles, nothing like hearing a good bob race in thick cover, hear dogs make a loose, pick it back up, jump it, make another loose, see that cat 3-4 times running circles....gotta love them bobs

I agree, a bobcat chase is much more exciting than the lion, although I love coming up on the tree with a lion in it. Something about them gets addicting to me. I guess bobcat hunting would be more fun if we had more of them.bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes