Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

40% off discount on Sitka and other gear.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2012
Sterling, VA
I am a member of Leoadventures and they have great discounts on gear. It's a law enforcement member group for 1st responders and military. That being said, this week they have a promo wherein they have opened there discounts to eveeybody. They even suggested we post the discount code on our favorite forums. I have had several on OYA ask me in PMs about discounts for the gear. So...

THe website is leoadventures.com
THE CODE: 2017Friends

You will need to...

STEP 1: Create OR Account
STEP 2: Add Gear to Cart
STEP 3: Enter Code 2017Friends

Some Quick Notes:

This Code is only valid from the 18th until the 24th of April 2017.

Hope this helps some of you.
Not sure. I simply passed on the info. I would call and or put in your real info. They said it's open for the week. That is where I get all my Sitka from them and it has worked well for me.
I got the email from them as well and thought it only applied to OR (Outdoor Research) and not all the brands leo offers....
I think you might be right. I might just be OR. Sorry my bad. Just trying to help people get discounts on Sitka.
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