Caribou Gear

3 years in the making


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
Gods Country, Colorado
Well, this is a post I've been wanting to make for 3 years now.

I got permission to hunt property 3 years ago and started putting out trail cams to see what bucks were around after seeing some smaller bucks hanging out.

I saw this buck, but never on a cam shot the 1st year. That year was my first bow hunting season for deer.

Last year I thought I got them dialed in and went after him with a bow again. Got him on the cam pretty good.

I was getting closer, but could never close the gap to where I felt comfortable.

This year, I couldn't pull an archery tag, but got a rifle tag 2nd choice. I was out last weekend, but by the time I found him it was to late in the day. Couldn't find him Sunday and I wasn't able to get back out during the week.

Wen't back out today and after hiking around I finally found the small bachelor herd about 2pm. I had to follow them for about an hour or so before I could get in the right position to make a clean & clear shot. Waiting for the other deer to clear a path was a lesson in patience.

From 120ish yards I put a good shot on the brisket, and after reading some of the threads recently, I put a 2nd shot in for good measure. He took a 15 yard walk and dropped.

My best deer in my relatively short hunting career!

I'm pretty stoked for this one.(hopefully these hero shots satisfy Dinkshooter)



I'm by no mean a professional measurer, but his mains are 28" & 27.5" with a 25" spread at the widest point.

I've already got the spot on the wall picked out for him.

I do have to say, I think the bow hunting seasons have made me a better hunter overall. I can't wait for my first bowkill(no matter what size).
Great buck, congrats! Missed a "golden" opportunity with the photos though. Show us the ones you took in the sun.
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Great looking buck and an excellent effort to get your hands on him after those years of trying to work him out...well done.
Who is this person in the photo's? Thats not Zach, this guy is shaven :D

Congrats Amigo!
Lots of folks would not have had the patience to allow the group to separate enough for that clean, precise shot, nor had the presence of mind for the followup shot. Really well done in the woodsmanship, ethics and story telling Zach.
Cool looking buck Congrats. thanks for finally showing your face in a pict.:D Not sure I can get you a modeling contract with matching shirts though ;)
Great buck I'd be happy with that.
Cool looking buck Congrats. thanks for finally showing your face in a pict.:D Not sure I can get you a modeling contract with matching shirts though ;)
Great buck I'd be happy with that.

Yeah, God broke the mold after I was born... don't even think I have a face for walmart pro-staffing.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. I'm still waiting for Dink's approval on my photography though...:p

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