26 days

The USDA NRCS had previous year mandatory funding as part of the Farm Bill. We were working as normal with pay however about 1/3 of the agency (the technical staff mostly) was getting ready to shutdown at the end of this week which didn't happen because of the agreement last week. They brought in Farm Service Agency staff to assist with farm loan payments and disbursements...those staff were unpaid.

I wish I could predict the future but I have a feeling that we're going to be in the same spot in 3 weeks.

Makes sense.

I always get a kick out of watching USDA offices in agricultural areas. Lots of conservative ranchers and farmers will tell you all about their conservative beliefs after they get done picking up their government subsidized wellfare check from the USDA office.

I hope not in 3 weeks, but I kinda am with you, pretty likely.
I always get a kick out of watching USDA offices in agricultural areas. Lots of conservative ranchers and farmers will tell you all about their conservative beliefs after they get done picking up their government subsidized wellfare check from the USDA office.

The interdependent relationship of the public/private sectors exhibit a multitude of inexplicable follow the dough contradictions.
I wish I could predict the future but I have a feeling that we're going to be in the same spot in 3 weeks.

Ya... Get paychecks going then back to the shutdown probably with some side funding to support the DHS component.

US Coast Guard
Secret Service

Heck, I hear the theme, "Shut down everything" though reality - far from possible. Sounds good though shutting down every covert operation, military base, is just the start. Down falls Israel, Taiwan, South Korea on and on and ourselves.

Sounds cool to say though...
It will happen again. This pissing match between Trump and Pelosi that is, so plan ahead. I stand by Trump on immigration reform and upholding the laws. I DO NOT stand by or believe ANY politician that says they will work on immigration or make new immigration laws, bills, whatever, when that SAME politician represents a SANCTUARY CITY. Let that sink in....
It could get ugly, so plan ahead guys.
It will happen again. This pissing match between Trump and Pelosi that is, so plan ahead. I stand by Trump on immigration reform and upholding the laws. I DO NOT stand by or believe ANY politician that says they will work on immigration or make new immigration laws, bills, whatever, when that SAME politician represents a SANCTUARY CITY. Let that sink in....
It could get ugly, so plan ahead guys.

Yep! She and those other bimbos (Feinstein and Boxer) from CA need to take a long hike back there and quit trying to ruin the rest of the country like they have CA!!! Does everyone realize that she's second in line for the Presidency after Pence for God's sake!!!
She and those other bimbos /QUOTE]

I am no fan of Pelosi or the other leftists from CA, but let's leave the misogynistic labels to Breitbart. Plenty of irrational lefties who are male too. (And irrational righties of both genders as well.)

Let’s not forget to turn the other cheek to the classy exhortation by Congresswoman Tlaib.
Let’s not forget to turn the other cheek to the classy exhortation by Congresswoman Tlaib.

My point is not about politician tit-for-tat. I am just advocating for less use of blanket gender-based pejoratives. Call Pelosi a moron, call her a communist, call her delusional or psychotic, just don't go to the gender-based labels that have nothing to do with her lunacy.
Sophisticated denigration, gotcha.

Gender-neutral denigration, then you got me.

You may see no difference, but in the workplace I see how gender pejorative labels are used to dismiss and undercut women (our wives and daughters) all too often. Disagree with folks all you like, use nasty labels if you must, but I think leaving bimbo, slut, dumb blonde, c*** and bitch out of it is a small step in the right direction.
This new age of hyperbolic enmity and misandry is far beyond tit/tat.....characterizing Madame Speaker a bimbo is an insult to all bimbos.

...and the low ground has no floor.
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Oh, this is entertaining. :) Thank God for copy paste Thesaurus translation into, "keep it simple, stupid" lingo.
She and those other bimbos /QUOTE]

I am no fan of Pelosi or the other leftists from CA, but let's leave the misogynistic labels to Breitbart. Plenty of irrational lefties who are male too. (And irrational righties of both genders as well.)

Sorry, but I could have called her a lot worse than that and it really wasn't meant to denigrate women, but I'll change it to #1asshat in the House to take gender out of the discussion, LOL!
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Yep! She and those other bimbos (Feinstein and Boxer) from CA need to take a long hike back there and quit trying to ruin the rest of the country like they have CA!!! Does everyone realize that she's second in line for the Presidency after Pence for God's sake!!!

Don't forget Harris in your Commiefornia lunatic list. She's the one the far left seems to be grooming to be our new President in 2020. And she is evil and bat guano crazy to boot.
Sorry, but I could have called her a lot worse than that and it really wasn't meant to denigrate women, but I'll change it to #1asshat in the House to take gender out of the discussion, LOL!

I think you are overrating her as long as Steve King is still a member of that institution. He takes #1 on just about everyone's list that I know.
Don't forget Harris in your Commiefornia lunatic list. She's the one the far left seems to be grooming to be our new President in 2020. And she is evil and bat guano crazy to boot.

Read her tax plan yesterday to help the middle class and take away tax cuts for the quote “elite rich”.
I then went on to read that the tax cuts would be reversed for married couples making over 100k annually. 100k in her state is still too poor to own a home in many areas. Do these people think that a couple that both have moderately paying 50k jobs is living the lavish life on yachts and private jets or what? So out of touch.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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