Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

22 million BLM acres for development?

List of orgs that submitted a joint scoping comment March 1st, of last year

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Colorado Wildlife Federation
Fly Fishers International
Idaho Wildlife Federation
National Deer Association
National Wildlife Federation
Nevada Wildlife Federation
North American Grouse Partnership
The Nature Conservancy
The Wildlife Society
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited National Leadership Council – Native Trout Workgroup
Trout Unlimited National Leadership Council – Responsible Mining and Energy Workgroup
Wyoming Wildlife Federation

I'd love to see that, got a link or copy?
Yet we must tilt away. It is what we do.

But I actually think it is fair to (constructively) ask and consider what org might help out here. I'd also encourage those that are worried that their org of choice isn't doing enough to reach out to the volunteers that serve on the boards of those orgs and let them know that this is something that you care about. Don't just pay $35 and "STFU." Speak up! Those volunteers do their best to try and address the many attacks that are coming at them from all directions. BHA is particularly in a tough place because their mission encompasses so much, so it is that much more important to actually reach out to those orgs and let them know that, as a member, this matters to you.

It is beyond silly to say "I hate this group and won't volunteer with them because even though 80% of what they do I support, their volunteers with other day jobs can't show up to do the other 20% I care about. I'm going to spit on every single thing they even try to do from now on." How does this help the cause?
I know my humor can be a bit dry.

Yes, pay your $35 and then reach out to your ORG leadership and ask them what they are doing. Beating up chapter chairs is ridiculously non-productive.
Reach out to the CEO and policy director and tell them this is important to you.

But don't ask your ORG leadership to do something you are not willing to do yourself. Make the comments, reach out to your reps.
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As a western state public land hunter, fisherman, camper, driver, filmer, etc this is extremely concerning.

As a Utah guy, who is constantly watching and acting against the dumbass stripe that occupies my states public land ideas, it floors me, that groups that are for public land, are entertaining this blatant land grab.

I keep reading, by the usual suspects, that we need energy so......

And we are supposed to be excited that a small handful of politically connected orgs, is on the case.

If we HAVE to use public land to create energy, then we as sportsmen should demand the smallest footprint possible.

The same grouse, antelope, deer, elk that are displaced by oil and gas, will be displaced by solar, except in much greater magnitudes due to the size of solar farms.

The answer to the current admin, or future admin, should be NO. When every acre of private ground available is covered with panels, we can talk. Until then NO.

That's the answer these groups celebrate on public land drilling. Supposedly in defense of public land.

The hypocrisy on solar, especially given it's acreage requirements, is amazing, but no longer surprising to anyone watching.

Smallest footprint possible, After....

I personally support no other answer.

And I don't give a shit which jersey or group, or group member is offended
I think these giant solar panel fields are beautiful.

One thing I've noticed is that when I hunt public land there is just too much room...too much open space between other hunters. If more of these gorgeous contraptions are on public land, hunters will have a higher chance of being able to hang out in closer proximity while in the field.

It is a win win.
As a western state public land hunter, fisherman, camper, driver, filmer, etc this is extremely concerning.

As a Utah guy, who is constantly watching and acting against the dumbass stripe that occupies my states public land ideas, it floors me, that groups that are for public land, are entertaining this blatant land grab.

I keep reading, by the usual suspects, that we need energy so......

And we are supposed to be excited that a small handful of politically connected orgs, is on the case.

If we HAVE to use public land to create energy, then we as sportsmen should demand the smallest footprint possible.

The same grouse, antelope, deer, elk that are displaced by oil and gas, will be displaced by solar, except in much greater magnitudes due to the size of solar farms.

The answer to the current admin, or future admin, should be NO. When every acre of private ground available is covered with panels, we can talk. Until then NO.

That's the answer these groups celebrate on public land drilling. Supposedly in defense of public land.

The hypocrisy on solar, especially given it's acreage requirements, is amazing, but no longer surprising to anyone watching.

Smallest footprint possible, After....

I personally support no other answer.

And I don't give a shit which jersey or group, or group member is offended
I agree. The mantra "not here." Has been used again and again with traditional energy and mining projects. Why can't we keep it going?
I watched as oil leases and timber leases would come up. Those groups opposed would go to war. It wasn't no, it was hell no. Political fights. Never ending lawsuits using everything from NEPA, to spotted owls, to clean air act, or whatever piece of regulation they could possibly dig up to stalk, stop, etc projects they didn't want from happening.

But now the blue team has found a way to profit off of public land, and the exact same people that waxed poetic about Aldo Leopold or Teddy Roosevelt, are fine with 700,000 as a starting point, 22 million as the goal.

There's no lawsuit. There's no daily barrage in media about Stone Manning. There's nothing. Oh, there's the big talk from TRCP about "we will review the EIS" then comment.

But what I haven't read, at least so far in the scoping statement, is F-U, HELL NO, SEE YOU IN COURT.

So. We as supposed public land advocates, supposedly members of and contributors to groups that advocate on our behalf, and whom we've helped get a seat at the table, START the negotiation 700,000 acres?

But take supposedly we are to take comfort in it not being that bad because we don't have transmission lines there, yet? Because as we all know, construction is stagnant😳

I use the pebble mine example for a reason. Every one of the groups that is so happy to negotiate here, went scorched earth on that mine, deservedly so. There was no mealy mouth long worded "wait for the EIS" bullchit. It was full court. Political, courtroom, media.

But, team blue wants 22 million, it's crickets
I watched as oil leases and timber leases would come up. Those groups opposed would go to war. It wasn't no, it was hell no. Political fights. Never ending lawsuits using everything from NEPA, to spotted owls, to clean air act, or whatever piece of regulation they could possibly dig up to stalk, stop, etc projects they didn't want from happening.

But now the blue team has found a way to profit off of public land, and the exact same people that waxed poetic about Aldo Leopold or Teddy Roosevelt, are fine with 700,000 as a starting point, 22 million as the goal.

There's no lawsuit. There's no daily barrage in media about Stone Manning. There's nothing. Oh, there's the big talk from TRCP about "we will review the EIS" then comment.

But what I haven't read, at least so far in the scoping statement, is F-U, HELL NO, SEE YOU IN COURT.

So. We as supposed public land advocates, supposedly members of and contributors to groups that advocate on our behalf, and whom we've helped get a seat at the table, START the negotiation 700,000 acres?

But take supposedly we are to take comfort in it not being that bad because we don't have transmission lines there, yet? Because as we all know, construction is stagnant😳

I use the pebble mine example for a reason. Every one of the groups that is so happy to negotiate here, went scorched earth on that mine, deservedly so. There was no mealy mouth long worded "wait for the EIS" bullchit. It was full court. Political, courtroom, media.

But, team blue wants 22 million, it's crickets
I watched as oil leases and timber leases would come up. Those groups opposed would go to war. It wasn't no, it was hell no. Political fights. Never ending lawsuits using everything from NEPA, to spotted owls, to clean air act, or whatever piece of regulation they could possibly dig up to stalk, stop, etc projects they didn't want from happening.

But now the blue team has found a way to profit off of public land, and the exact same people that waxed poetic about Aldo Leopold or Teddy Roosevelt, are fine with 700,000 as a starting point, 22 million as the goal.

There's no lawsuit. There's no daily barrage in media about Stone Manning. There's nothing. Oh, there's the big talk from TRCP about "we will review the EIS" then comment.

But what I haven't read, at least so far in the scoping statement, is F-U, HELL NO, SEE YOU IN COURT.

So. We as supposed public land advocates, supposedly members of and contributors to groups that advocate on our behalf, and whom we've helped get a seat at the table, START the negotiation 700,000 acres?

But take supposedly we are to take comfort in it not being that bad because we don't have transmission lines there, yet? Because as we all know, construction is stagnant😳

I use the pebble mine example for a reason. Every one of the groups that is so happy to negotiate here, went scorched earth on that mine, deservedly so. There was no mealy mouth long worded "wait for the EIS" bullchit. It was full court. Political, courtroom, media.

But, team blue wants 22 million, it's crickets
Hey hossblur, remember when you made that post about COVID and how the world was ending? You know the one, where you whacked down a six pack while literally crying in the front seat of your truck in the driveway?

That's the same thing you're doing now...

Tell you what, where do I send the six pack and box of Kleenex?
This solar energy nonsense is just a big grift. It will implode in time and we will find something else dumb to argue about when it does.

"Renewable energy on public lands can be a win-win-win,” said Justin Meuse, government relations director with the Wilderness Society, as reported by The Guardian. “It’s imperative and it’s possible.”

This solar energy nonsense is just a big grift. It will implode in time and we will find something else dumb to argue about when it does.

"This horseless carriage nonsense is just a big grift. It will implode with time and we will find something else dumb to argue about when it does."

BHR, 1898.


Page 6!
I have burning in the back of my head that this goes through and then, as it always does, the science progresses and we learn that we hurt the environment more than we helped.
Mankind still believes in the myth of the free lunch and perpetual energy.

My generation was raised on Star Trek, where technology had solved all these problems. The truth we didn't know was that Gene Roddenberry used the casting couch. The real world doesn't work like on the Enterprise.
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