2022 Colorado draw results!!!!

I keep buying pieces of gear I “need” in preparation for drawing a 1st rifle tag I’m not gonna be in shape for.

Like my last hunt the only thing I’ll probably bring home is good memories, some trout and some pics. I’m staying positive of bringing home a elk though.
Again about a week early, May 31-June 3 for possible results. I have a 50ish % chance for a deer tag,
I got all my eggs in the Colorado basket this year with what should be a 90% chance of drawing elk. All other apps have seasons outside September with random longshot odds, none of which I have drawn in 10 years.
After a decade of zero tags in ~300 random lottery applications despite 400 points and some with odds as high as 15% & 40%, I’m not even bothering to further research the Colorado elk unit I have a 90% chance of drawing this year. I’ll believe it when I see it. Already had friends draw in lotteries where they had 2%-10% odds. To say I’m due is the understatement of the decade. Included in this application is the first point I ever bought in any state, way back in 1996.
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