2021 Potential EHD Outbreak in WY


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2019
I was just talking with @BoomerUSAF about how I was worried that EHD was going to be an issue this year with the drought we've been having.

I hope these recent rains have helped (no idea if rain fell out west though...)

Couple years back it hit central SD really hard. Heard of whole herds of whitetail dropping from it. something like 200+ dead in a field...
I was just talking with @BoomerUSAF about how I was worried that EHD was going to be an issue this year with the drought we've been having.

I hope these recent rains have helped (no idea if rain fell out west though...)

Couple years back it hit central SD really hard. Heard of whole herds of whitetail dropping from it. something like 200+ dead in a field...
It's in northwest South Dakota this year from what I'm hearing.
Those of you with more experience in WY, do you think its an actually possible they will curtail the seasons? I am trying to decide whether to go up this weekend to fill my doe antelope tag, in anticipation of an early shut down. Usually I try to avoid the opening weekend...especially when its supposed to be almost 90.

Obviously this is a bigger issue than just me and my tag, and I truly hope that next week brings that needed frost. But just curious if there have been seasons curtailed in the past due to EHD in your experiences.
Idaho is having a widespread outbreak in the Clearwater region and into the panhandle. Also saw reports of it in eastern Washington
We are overdue for a big EHD die off in South Eastern Montana. As much as I would like to not see that happen, a little voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me that EHD might be the only thing that keeps the whitetails from over running the mule deer in SE Montana.
I know this is an old message but I am having a tough time with my hunting in Wyoming. The locals are saying they had a die off where I am hunting. Not only that, this time of the year they are extremely spooky and run as soon as they see approaching vehicles even look like they are slowing down. The land is so dry the vegetation is crunchy so you can't approach easy. I thought the recent rains in the area would help that but nope. I have never had it this hard hunting antelope and it's the one species I do best at hunting followed by mule deer (that is if I can only draw better than a general license).

This is back in 2021 and though it is not documented in our area, the locals say it is happening, so I called the biologist and left a message on it, waiting his response.
I know this is an old message but I am having a tough time with my hunting in Wyoming. The locals are saying they had a die off where I am hunting. Not only that, this time of the year they are extremely spooky and run as soon as they see approaching vehicles even look like they are slowing down. The land is so dry the vegetation is crunchy so you can't approach easy. I thought the recent rains in the area would help that but nope. I have never had it this hard hunting antelope and it's the one species I do best at hunting followed by mule deer (that is if I can only draw better than a general license).

This is back in 2021 and though it is not documented in our area, the locals say it is happening, so I called the biologist and left a message on it, waiting his response.
What area are you in. NE wyo looks like a deadzone compared to when I was here in 2018
I live in Cheyenne. EHD is confirmed in areas near Cheyenne and we are seeing a propulation decline that is concerning. I typically hunt antelope in areas ranging from Cheyenne to Wheatland, to Douglas to Torrington, Yoder south to Burns and Burns back to Cheyenne if you connect those dots. Between drought, desease and winter kill the herds in this area has taken big time hits. One big problem with the drought is antelope congregate in larger groups near fewer available water holes and that allows for desease to spread rapidly.
I have a doe antelope tag and a cow elk for the Buffalo area. I'll be there the first week of November. Maybe I should eat the antelope tag ...
I have a doe antelope tag and a cow elk for the Buffalo area. I'll be there the first week of November. Maybe I should eat the antelope tag ...
Buffalo is outside the EHD infected areas that I know of. However, that area is in moderate drought so that is possible it has it but not detected yet.
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