Caribou Gear Tarp

2019 Deer hunt


New member
Jun 10, 2019
My son and I are doing an OTC deer hunt this fall in Idaho and are stoked. We are contemplating Units 15 and 20 or heading north for perhaps more hiking and a white tail hunt. hoping a kind soul will impart some wisdom on helping make this a great hunt for my son and I. Looking forward to making it an annual event.

Thanks in advance.
Start by looking on google earth and finding which unit has more of what you’re looking for. I suggest downloading the .kml unit maps for google earth from top rut.
Wisdom= make sure you’re prepared to be comfortable no matter where you go. You’re going on an adventure with your son, it’s gonna be awesome.
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Welcome aboard. I was in the same position at one time. Spend a lot of time on IDFG website it has a lot of good planning information. Then once you think you have a general area in mind contact the area big game biologist. The individuals I have dealt with were quite helpful.