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2017 WY Elk Poaching Case $5k, 2 years...


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009

Take a bull, kill a lion (and get caught)... How much in taxpayer $ and license fee value was used to conclude this case and the turd received a 5k penalty and loss of hunting license for 2 years.

Boy, that's a strong message. Seems the norm for poaching cases. Tons spent, little recovered.

In the fall of 2017, Game and Fish enforcement personnel received multiple tips suggesting Cosby had illegally killed a large bull elk.

Game Warden Andy Roosa says photos and information provided by citizens were key to the solving the case.
He got a slap on the wrist, a typical lenient sentence for a poaching in Wyoming. He'll do it again.
Unfortunately this is how America works in the criminal justice system anymore for the most part. I see this every day! Very Frustrating....
If this was the guy's first offense, I'm okay with the punishment in this case. Five grand is still a lot of money to most folks, the guy loses his bow and isn't allowed to hunt or fish for two years. Given the article left out most of the details of the court proceedings we don't know how this guy reacted. Maybe he sees the errors of his ways and will hopefully clean up his actions.
I too think the punishment is too light. But its not a guarantee that just because he did this once he will do it again, irrelevant of the punishment. I know an individual that did almost the same thing several years ago. He made a foolish mistake, paid a price, and has become a fine individual and member of the community. I don't excuse his mistake but people can and do change.
I believe in second chances for most things, including this at some point. But the punishment is too light. If he were to pay for a hunt for that caliber of bull it would certainly cost more than $5K, then add the cost of the investigation, etc. I also wish the suspension was closer to 5 years.
Jail time for poachers, mandatory wildlife-based community service for poaching convictions. As in 100ish hours of boots-in-the-mud work for wildlife. Plus confiscation of vehicles used in poaching, Agree w @ least 5 years' loss of hunting privileges everywhere. Higher fines. A poaching conviction should have more severe consequences than a DUI.
It wouldn’t surprise me if his total out of pocket cost is going to be closer to 10K – after the fine, fees, court costs, legal fees, loss of hunting equipment etc. While law agencies are never going to find a punishment that everyone will agree on I think it’s a fairly stout punishment – suspending the hunting privileges longer would have been a good move I think. Maybe we need more unique sentences like he needs to spend opening elk archery and rifle weekends in jail for the next 10 years or like what Minnesota does with their “Whiskey Plates” for DUI offenders – maybe a “Poacher License Plate” so the public and game wardens can easily identify past poachers and keep an extra eye on them if they seem them down some dark/desolate canyon road?

Most of us are probably standup citizens so it’s probably hard to imagine but when many of us grew up, if you got caught with drugs or stealing from a business you were going to jail… With the prisons and jails so full now we live in a society where law enforcement literally steps over passed out people from drugs with needles hanging out of their arms or even people on probation that get picked up for petty theft charges see little to no jail time – things have definitely changed to where prison time is often reserved for the dangerous or very high level crimes – not necessarily people that break non-violent laws… I would say most Sherriff’s would say they don’t have the resources to lockup every single infraction that maybe should get time for? Personally, I’d rather see the DUI offenders in jail then a 1 time poacher but then again, limited resources and different views…
I feel it’s a slap on the wrist, should be stronger, loss of hunting privileges for 2 years is hardly a deterrent, he poached, so whether he had a license or not, apparently he didn’t feel the rules apply to him.
Fish and Game violations seem to be pretty lenient. I don't like liars, cheats, or thieves and poaching involves all of these in one fashion or another. It's a crime against all of us.

The thing is, this type of poaching is deliberate, not accidental. It's not the same as not reading the regulations good enough or forgetting to do something you know you should do. Premeditated, deliberate poaching is a black eye on everyone. Is this punishment enough? Who's to say? We will see if they do it again. Most law breakers continue and get caught again, without regard to others, creating a cycle.

Remember, they don't care about the law and it the law does not apply to them. The Fish and Game is viewed the bad guy. The poacher is probably dishonest in other walks of life as well. The people around them know it and validate it, instead of condemning it.

Ethics is about what you do when no one is watching you...
While this is a painful case to read about for those of us who work hard and play by the rules, I'd still rather see harsher penalties go towards repeat offenders rather than first time violators. I've read more than one story about snow goose hunters accidentally (carelessly?) shooting a swan and getting fined into their next life. Maybe this guy poached and got away with it before, but maybe not. One good thing about the American justice system is that it presumes innocence of prior bad behavior.

I think a lot of these crimes are driven by "mine's bigger than yours" social media hype, which is sad. It's a reminder to me not to get swept up in scores, points, and the like, and instead focus on spending time outdoors and the thrill of the pursuit.
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