Yeti GOBOX Collection

2016 nevada bears


Oct 7, 2015
Friday I had a great hunt with two awesome people, Sandy Lutz took a great bear with husband Jeremy their to enjoy the memories. Jeremy started the trip by telling me the great luck Sandy had as she's drawn and killed a buckle rocky and then drew a bear tag. We b.s when they came into camp Thursday night. Friday morning we made a plan and headed out with Reggie and Lynn on the box. A couple strikes didn't go anywhere so we decided to walk around a water hole, after a lot of good and bad trailing the dogs weren't moving a whole lot we hiked in and determines they ran something catty and got thrown out In some ugly rocks. We lost a dog of my buddies so we hiked back to the truck and headed out to look for t. Before we found them the dogs blew up, box rocker style. Almost noon we were a little hesitant but we turned loose. The dogs went nuts on a water hole and Jeremy saw the track in the road so we hooped Reggie and Lynn to us and they blew out like a rocket! We then dumped BJ and sampson. After a half mile we had him jumped and running. About another half mile they turned him back towards and moved by. We jumped in the truck and caught up. They were bayed 300 yards out and we headed in but he busted and headed up! We decided to move to another rise to listen and we heard that sweet music of a tree bark! We started hoofing it, unfortunately no packs, no leashes. It was a tough hike rolling rock, 1 step forward two step backs. Jeremy got to see the dogs on his butt 600 yards out. He jumped twice making 3 trees before we got in. Jeremy had some paracord I tied the dogs up. They said all that matters was it, was a boar of shooting quality, and had no collar.I had to,get sampson right out from under the bear in the tree, while I was up there i saw it had no collar. Super pumped knew it was a boar but climbed back into the tree to get a birds eye view on the goods. I jumped down, with confirmation it was a good Boar Sandy took aim with Jeremy's model 94 30-30 that was his grandpa's and stone cold dropped him with a neck shot. Exciting the dogs were so pumped as were we. We positioned the bear for photos, hi fives and took see at the bears huge, feet, huge head, worn down teeth and the scars to show why. A trophy boar it was, we estimated 400 lbs, the biologist estimated 400-450 based on measurements and 15-20 years old, looking forward to hearing the age from the tooth sample and what the old king of the junipers will score. Those who dont know the nevada bear tag tough to draw,and even tougher to tag out on. Congrats Sandy on a trophy desert bear. Thanks Jeremy and sandy for allowing me to be part of your adventure.






Awesome! How hard are bear tags to get in NV? A dry ground bear hunt is near the top of my to do list.
A sow we turned loose early In the season. The nevada bear hunt is very scrutinized so we do our best to only hunt boars of good age


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