PEAX Equipment

2016 Montana Republican Party Platform


Jun 17, 2009

Above is a link to the 2016 Montana Republican Party Platform. Pay particular attention to page 13 where it states, "We support the granting of federally managed public lands to the state, and development of a transition plan for the timely and orderly transfer". This is a real threat to all those who hunt, fish, bike, hike, ski, snowmobile, etc. in Montana. GET INVOLVED!!!!!!
Those people have lost their effing minds. A detailed read of that drivel shows a fringe document driven by a core groups of hypocrites who profess to hate welfare and subsidy for the other guys, but are very happy to take all they can get when it benefits them; people who think property rights is a one way street with all the flow going their direction; and advancing their efforts toward a ruling theocracy.
Those people have lost their effing minds. A detailed read of that drivel shows a fringe document driven by a core groups of hypocrites who profess to hate welfare and subsidy for the other guys, but are very happy to take all they can get when it benefits them; people who think property rights is a one way street with all the flow going their direction; and advancing their efforts toward a ruling theocracy.

What probably scares me the most is that the majority of the general population of Montana and the US won't get involved and really don't give a chit, but they will be the first to bitch if it comes into being!!
I think more and more are "giving a chit"...

I have one of the candidates in my State senate district coming over to my house to talk about this public lands transfer. Going to be writing a check to help fund the candidates campaign.

I don't care about any other issue, what party they're from, etc...if they oppose the public lands transfer, they're getting my vote and I'm contributing to their campaign.

This PLT madness needs to be stopped.
I think these folks just won't discus the subject in public or at all.
In fear that would show how many are against it.
Our NM Speaker of the House is my legislator and he will not discus this in public.
He will tell me how much he is for us hunters & fishermen...blah,blahblah......
I voted for him twice before he got fancy britches.
He is on list to UNELECT now. And has been told so.
In just a few short paragraphs it seems this portion of the GOP platform has placed a bulls eye right between the eyes of hunters and anglers, and pretty much the entire public who recreate on our public lands. Any one else see it differently and want to try and straighten me out on this?
I'm 40 and always have self-identified as a 'Republican'. This platform is not republican - and the party has been completely hi-jacked. I had no intention of voting Republican at the National level - but I will be contacting my local representation. If any of this is even remotely considered to be the "party line", then my vote is against.

And it's not just public lands (which is #1 to me personally). If this party wants to take the U.S. back to the 1950's, they can go to hell.