Yeti GOBOX Collection

2014 Fat Off


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
Maybe I missed it, but is anyone else attempting to get less fat this year?

I went the Oprah route last year by losing 45 pounds bottoming out for hunting season and proceeding to lash about 30 pounds back on during the winter.

Now that it's nice enough to be outside running again I've gotten in a good routine. Did 5 miles last night and will run a 10k on Saturday. I won't be breaking any land speed records but I its more about finishing an keeping events on the horizon to keep me motivated. I'm signed up for a half-marathon in September but I'm looking for another for early July as I believe I should be ready for one by then.

Who else is striving to get into Mankini shape this summer?
I'm guilty. A friend drew a high elevation sheep tag, so I have until September to lose 20% of my current weight. :eek:
I'm in the same boat. I drew the 312 Mule Deer tag for the Bridgers, and while the quality of the mule deer up there might be in question, what I don't think is open to debate is that you need to be in good shape for that hunt. So... running and cycling more and eating less. Planning on my first half marathon in September. No mankini though, I'll stick with board shorts, thankyouverymuch :)
I've been stuck at around 210 now for 6 months. Last summer I got down to 199 which was my lightest weight since my sophomore year in college, but I packed some back on over the holidays.

I've got 195 listed as my goal weight on the running forum that I post on and just haven't seemed to make a move in that direction really. I broke my collarbone skiing this winter and that put me on the sidelines with no running for 3 weeks and that didn't help either.

I'm logging a lot of miles right now getting ready for my ultra 50K trail race on May 17th but I'm eating just as much. Shedding that last 15lbs and keeping it off would help my race times, but it would really help for my goat hunt coming up this fall!! Still can't believe I drew a tag!! :D
Last summer I had a bone spur on the rear of my heel that my Achilles tendon is trying to pull away from the bone and I had to stop running. I switched things up and started the Insanity work out which I did pretty religiously until I was rear ended in January causing some nagging back problems that has kept me side lined from that. I am just now starting to ride the bike and trying to ease back into a work-out routine.

I haven't ballooned up or anything but definitely would like to shed a little extra I have added. It is amazing how fast you drop out of shape when you are not on a regular routine.

Being in my 50's doesn't help any either.
I'm holding strong at 220 and I'd like to get down to 200-205. Hoping this weekend hunting bears will be a good kick start then I can finish out "bike to work month" logging some miles on two wheels and see where I end up at.
I'm down 20# for April and have another 22 to go by mid June. Looking at the 200 mark which I haven't seen in about 40 years.
I'm the poster Big Boy for folks needing to lose weight, but really haven't made in strides in doing so. Wife and I joined a Box in January and I've been very consistent in going 3-5 times per week. ;) I'm stronger, faster, and can go longer than I could before joining, but weigh the same. I eat way too much and way too much bad stuff. Plus, I drink more beer on the weekends than I should. Pretty much I eat wrong and way to much. Just can't seem to hit the right motivation button to not eat deep friend, bacon wrapped, creme filled goodness. I have found a work around, I just don't step on the scale! Ignorance can be happiness as that last 100#s is hard to lose! :D
I spent 13 weeks training for a half marathon. I felt less and less fit as the weeks went on. I finished the race with my slowest time ever. It has been 3 weeks and I'm signed up for a new training group with an August 2nd event. Guess I better work on diet this round...
npaden- Which 50K are you doing?

Throw your beer cans at me (empty ones of course, no bottles. They hurt too much! LOL!), but I cannot afford to lose any weight. I weight the same as I did as a senior in college. (141 lbs) I am 48 years old.

I have lost about 8 pounds since beginning of the year, but I am currently running a lot (60-90 Miles per Week)

Likely running the same event as smalls (Fargo), but doing 26.2 miles on Sat. Good luck smalls!
npaden- Which 50K are you doing?

The Whispering Pines Trail race in Tyler, Texas. I looked around for about the easiest 50K trail race I could find and that one came close to fitting the bill. It's 3 - 10.3 mile loops with 960' of elevation gain and loss on each loop for just under 3,000' of elevation gain and loss for the entire 31 miles. Not flat by any means, but not 10,000'+ like some of them. Mostly just rollers, I think the biggest hill is about 200' gain over a mile with several other 100' gains throughout and then lots of little stuff.

Weather is my biggest concern, in Mid-May in East Texas it could easily be 85 degrees and 80% humidity by the time the race is over for me. Humidity is going to be a killer because it has been a very dry winter and spring here and I just don't have the opportunity to train in higher humidity at all. I've kind of got a 5 hour benchmark in my head, but I'm not going to be too upset if I go over that, especially it is a warm humid day.

Good luck on your marathon. Any particular time you shooting for?
I spent 13 weeks training for a half marathon. I felt less and less fit as the weeks went on. I finished the race with my slowest time ever. It has been 3 weeks and I'm signed up for a new training group with an August 2nd event. Guess I better work on diet this round...

I have found that eating to lose weight and eating to run a lot are two different diets. I get in a rut of eating fairly paltry meals when trying to lose weight but it takes a huge toll on my energy level.

I didn't give myself a lot of time to train for this 10k (20 days from my first run of the year) so I am looking forward to getting into a little less rushed of a training schedule that allows me to focus a bit more on weight loss than just exercising.

Z- Good luck in the marathon. Sounds like the weather should be very nice for running.
You guys are animals! I'm hoping most of you are young bucks in your prime so I don't feel so bad and can use age as an excuse. (only 46 though, so not a great excuse) I don't need to loose weight necessarily, (Current 175 and feel best at 165) but the pouch around my waist has grown over the winter. I'm sure it will come off, as I just started running more last week.

Last year I was able to run 3 miles at a time by Sept.1. This year I am up to 1.5 miles in my first week. Much easier the 2nd round. I hope to be able to run 4+ miles at a time several days a week by Sept. 1 this year. I did well in the mountains last year but could always do better. I think what helped me the most last year were the hikes and stairs at the football stadium with 50+ lbs. in my pack.

So, no crazy marathon goals here, just want to be in good enough shape that someone doesn't have to carry me out of the mountains in Sept. ! Keep at it guys, you inspire us older guys that like to have beer and peanuts every day after work, or at least after our workouts :)
I'm about where I was at the end of hunting season. Played hockey all winter and have soccer sign up tonight. Try to lift 3 days a week and run 3-4 miles 2-3 days a week I'll be at 5-6 miles pretty soon. Hit the M for the first time a week ago and felt pretty good. Still gotta lose 10-15. I eat too much junk.

I think most of these guys are right around your age or maybe even older. I'm 46 and didn't start running until I was 43. Been running for just over 3 years now. 3 years ago I would have said the same thing as you, I never saw myself ever running a marathon. That is just insane.

In May of 2011 I logged 19.8 miles for the month and was actually pretty proud of that. I logged 252.4 miles last month and am currently on a running streak of 45 days in a row totaling 363.5 miles for an average of 8.1 miles a day.

It has just become part of my life now. It's not "if" I'm going to run today but when. One thing that has made a big difference for me is buying a treadmill. On days when the weather is bad, or when I can't get time during the day to get a run in, I just pound out the miles on the treadmill in the evenings. My wife has been out of town the last week so I've been running after I put my son to bed. I ran 13 miles on the treadmill Sunday night, 6.5 miles last night, and have a 12 miler on the agenda tonight with 3,300' of elevation gain. I use the iFit program on the NordicTrack treadmills that lets you actually map out a route anywhere in the world pretty much and it follows that elevation profile and shows a street level view on the screen. Tonight I'm running up Dead Indian Pass in Wyoming right around where I'll be goat hunting this fall.

I DVR shows that I like and watch them while I'm running. On longer runs I watch movies.

One key that I found to enjoying running was learning how to run easy. On 75% of my runs I am running at an easy conversational pace. Not breathing hard at all. No huffing and puffing, getting side stiches, or anything like that.

On longer runs outside I listen to audio books and one of my goals this year is to listen to the entire bible while I'm running. I'm about 40% of the way through it so far.

My 2 cents. Nathan
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I think most of these guys are right around your age or maybe even older. I'm 46 and didn't start running until I was 43. Been running for just over 3 years now. 3 years ago I would have said the same thing as you, I never saw myself ever running a marathon. That is just insane.

In May of 2011 I logged 19.8 miles for the month and was actually pretty proud of that. I logged 252.4 miles last month and am currently on a running streak of 45 days in a row totaling 363.5 miles for an average of 8.1 miles a day.

It has just become part of my life now. It's not "if" I'm going to run today but when. One thing that has made a big difference for me is buying a treadmill. On days when the weather is bad, or when I can't get time during the day to get a run in, I just pound out the miles on the treadmill in the evenings. My wife has been out of town the last week so I've been running after I put my son to bed. I ran 13 miles on the treadmill Sunday night, 6.5 miles last night, and have a 12 miler on the agenda tonight with 3,300' of elevation gain. I use the iFit program on the NordicTrack treadmills that lets you actually map out a route anywhere in the world pretty much and it follows that elevation profile and shows a street level view on the screen. Tonight I'm running up Dead Indian Pass in Wyoming right around where I'll be sheep hunting this fall.

I DVR shows that I like and watch them while I'm running. On longer runs I watch movies.

One key that I found to enjoying running was learning how to run easy. On 75% of my runs I am running at an easy conversational pace. Not breathing hard at all. No huffing and puffing, getting side stiches, or anything like that.

On longer runs outside I listen to audio books and one of my goals this year is to listen to the entire bible while I'm running. I'm about 40% of the way through it so far.

My 2 cents. Nathan
Jeepers! And I thought yeserdays workout of moving a 45# bar from my shins to my chins (yes, for me they are both plural) 500 times (simulated rowing) was doing something. Well done. Now that the weather's nice, I should try to start getting in some running in the evenings. Current workouts are at 5am.
I have found that eating to lose weight and eating to run a lot are two different diets. I get in a rut of eating fairly paltry meals when trying to lose weight but it takes a huge toll on my energy level.

It's counter intuitive, but you have to take in a certain amount of calories each day to maintain basic body function. That means if you drop below, you're telling your body that you're going into starvation mode and it packs on more fat while consuming muscle.

Eat fat, meat and veg while cutting out starches, carbohydrates & sugar. I found that cutting carbs down to about 30-40 grams per day really helps with weight loss and I still get 3 eggs & 4 slices of bacon for breakfast. :)

I'm in for a fat off. I'm up 7 pounds and in desperate need of modifying my diet again along with increased workouts. We're setting up a home gym in the next month & some brotherly accountability would be a huge benefit for my lazy butt.
In general, kill the carbs, if you must stick with complex carbs.

If you are exercising, make sure you are getting enough calories and good fats. If you aren't exercising, cut the calories, generally by limiting meat.

Snacking throughout the day helps too, carrots, apples, cucumbers, and celery are good choices that can help keep your metabolism going.

Remember, weekends and Wednesdays, once. Treat yourself to one thing, not a day off. However, for some it is better to be cold turkey avoiding crap food.
In general, kill the carbs, if you must stick with complex carbs.

If you are exercising, make sure you are getting enough calories and good fats. If you aren't exercising, cut the calories, generally by limiting meat.

Snacking throughout the day helps too, carrots, apples, cucumbers, and celery are good choices that can help keep your metabolism going.

Remember, weekends and Wednesdays, once. Treat yourself to one thing, not a day off. However, for some it is better to be cold turkey avoiding crap food.

Booze is the biggest carb out there. Cut the booze and you drop weight quick. I've been mostly dry since the new year and if my wife ever quits making pear pie and butterscotch cookies, I'll realize that benefit.
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