2011 Sportsman's Channel Awards


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Bozeman, Montana
Just finished looking at the recently announced Sportmans Channel awards finalists and found that OYOA only made it to one category.:mad: Apparently on the SC they don't let the fans vote on all the shows they air then narrow the field based on votes but instead use a panel to get it narrowed down then we vote.:confused: Sounds like politics as usual. Not sure what or who they had on the panel. Almost like having Defenders of Wildlife, Peta and others to vote on whether or not we should have a wolf season.:rolleyes:

If Fin has a email address that we could voice our opinion to on this that would be great. I assume they had a pack of "business as usual" whitetail guys on it.
I really have nothing to gain from complaining other than I was hoping to take the wife to Las Vegas and watch Randy at least be mentioned. I honestly think though if you are going to have a fan voting contest you should let the fans decide who the top five are in each category and not someone else. Funny how on the first year at the Outdoor Channel he makes it to almost every category and now with the new network nothing. I feel like the shows are actually even better now then back then.
Sorry Randy. Nothing like getting kicked between the legs.
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I was wondering when they would vote. I'll check it out. But excuse me if I get sick of some of the finalists .

We know who should be up for more, It's a no brainer I already see a huge improvment not to say none were good. I've saw all episodes and think that each season progresses

Not putting either channel down but I have seen a lot of politics involved in both when it comes to things like this. Of course popularity contest exist.

Keep at it Fin I know you have all the ones on here votes.
Here are the links to the press releases.



There are contacts at the bottom of the press releases but not sure they are the folks to give feedback to.

It says the list was decided on by a group of peers. If you were a peer would you want the fans voting having a chance to vote for OYOA?

Looks like they are using FACEBOOK for the voting.

A tastefully message to the Sportsman's Channel is in order, asking them why they would limit the fan choices for best hunting show.
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Here is the gig.

The network had the show finalists selected by a panel of producers. We did not make the five finalists in any category voted on by the show producers.

Good news is that we can still win, via a write-in method. That is a lot of work, but given how many supporters we have, and how well we have done in these contests in the past, if anyone can do it, OYOA can.

I suspect that when the show votes are tabulated, it will bring forth the question, "How did a show with as many votes as OYOA not get nominated as one of the five finalists?"

I am providing the link to the Sportsman Channel Facebook page. You can go there and vote. You only have to vote on the categories you like.

If you are so inclined to cast some votes for self-guided public land hunting, it would be greatly appreciated. Here is what you would do.

Go to the link and in Category #1 - Best Hunt Show, you would click "Other" and type in "On Your Own Adventures."

Then, if you like my ugly mug, you can go to Category #6 - Best Host, and click "Other." Then type in "Randy Newberg,"

We did get selected in one of the categories of best clip. That is Category #12 - "Best Moment. The selection would be "Bull Elk Shot at Close Range." This is the New Mexico bull I shot at TWO yards.

I know this is a more challenging process to go through, when you are not allowed to vote on all shows. Such is how it works when panels are used to whittle down the finalists.

I cannot over emphasize how much of an impression this makes with our sponsors. We try to keep the sponsor plugs tasteful and non-intrusive during the show. Yet, the sponsors pay the bills.

Your vote on such things, especially if we were to win or perform well as a write-in, would make a big difference in how sponsors view a show based on self-guided, public land hunting. We have been told from the start that no one is interested in our style of hunting, though at every turn, our viewers seem to prove otherwise.

Thanks in advance for any votes you might cast on our behalf. It means a lot to us and has some influence on what you will see networks seek out in hunting TV programs.

OH, YOU CAN VOTE ONCE PER DAY, EVERY DAY. Vote early and vote often! :D


If you are the lucky person who is picked by the network, you win a trip to Vegas for the awards ceremony.

Thanks again.
is there any other ways to vote on this besides facebook?my work computer has all facebook stuff blocked?

Unfortunately, No. Sorry about that, Dan. Not sure why they would have it that way, but that is how they have done it.

Thanks for any votes you might cast our way.
I voted. I had been on facebook a while ago, but didn't want to be friends with most of the people that were sending me friend requests, so I left. I signed up again just to be able to vote. I am so tired of the commercialism of the outdoor sports channels. I can only stand to watch a few shows. Most are hawking some ranch or outfitter or something similar. There is one underwear manufacturer whose logo is on practically every show that I see. They may make the best underwear on the planet, but I will never buy any of their products as long as they continue to have close ups of their logo in every other scene. Brand recognition can sometimes backfire.
well,wish i could vote as oyoa is clearly the sportsmans channel premier #1 show on their channel.nothin else even compares for the western d. i. y. hunter.
i sent them a e-mail on there .com website but dont know if my votes will count but let them know that oyoa is there #1 show in my book.
My posting on the Sportsman Channel Facebook Wall:

I am at a loss to figure out how On Your Own Adventures did not dominate these categories. The On Your Own Nation will vote the old fashioned way and not be denied by being "screened" out.

Another obstacle from the establishment that Big Fin will overcome. No guides, no outfitters, no high fences and no high dollar lodges....this is real hunting!
My Wife was able to vote and she does not have a FACEBOOK account.

Some of the other show websites are stating no FACEBOOK account needed, just an email address.
I have stayed away from facebook... Think my wife has it. Though for sake of getting votes in, guess it's time to throw some little dabble in / some cannon fodder to get it setup.

The way of the future really takes it's toll on privacy. Now we can not share our vote for a show we enjoy unless we jump through hoops. Meh, t'is life, I guess.
for anybody not able to vote on facebook,,,you can send sportsman channel a e-mail with the choices and they will add it to the count,,,it took a few days for them to reply but they did say they added my votes.

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