2010 ND Archery Mulie


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
It happened fast and furious this year!


First, I was very late getting out of work Friday and made it out to the Badlands with only 90 minutes left of opening day to hunt. I went to park my vehicle and hike into one of my favorite glassing spots when I saw another truck parked there. :mad: I was upset for a minute and then remembered a quote from a very old and wise friend, Big Fin. He is fond of saying "Ya, well they don't know what we know"


I said screw it and walked right past the other vehicle determined to get a buck, regardless if someone else was tromping around! I sat and glassed for about five minutes before I located one of the big 5x5's I knew was in the area with three of his buddies. They were bedded in the shade of a butte. It was late and I figured they would be out of their beds before I could get close to them so I tried to determine where they would be feeding as it got closer to dark.

I made a big loop to get the wind in my favor and started working toward them. As I got closer, I made an effort to always keep some kind of cover between me and where I thought they would be feeding. It wasn't long before there were velvet antlers all over the horizon and they were attached to five bucks feeding right toward me.

I was close to some bushes so I ducked down and ranged them. The big 5x5 was 54 yards away and I had the wind right in my face. Two of the bucks broke off and fed to my left where there was no cover and I was exposed. They looked at me for some time, then went back to feeding. In the meantime, the big 5x5 fed a few yards closer.

I was damn excited at this point. I had a bruiser of a buck in full velvet about 50 yards away on opening day and I was sure I was just seconds from taking him down. When all of the bucks were feeding I drew back undetected, put my 60 yard pin on the big buck and touched the trigger. Right about now you might be saying to yourself, "Buschy why in the hell did you put you 60 yard pin on a buck that was only 50 yards away?" Damn good question!!!!!!! I shot right over his back (right where the arrow should have went when using a 60 yard pin on a target 50 yards away) and all of the bucks took off. I was just too excited, didn't think straight, and blew an unbelievable opportunity!!:eek:

Fortunately the two bucks to my left bounced about thirty yards further out then stopped to look at me. One was very nice and I said to myself if he gives me a shot I'll take it. While I ranged the buck and put another arrow on the string, he turned broadside. It was almost as if he was saying, "You just missed a chip shot butt monkey, you certainly can't hit me from here" He was wrong! I let the arrow go and it was absolutely perfect. I clearly remember the arrow dissapearing into his chest, a very audible crunch, a big mule kick and then he was gone. I had just made the best archery shot of my life and was jacked.:hump:

Since I was late getting out hunting, I had left my pack in the vehicle and just took my bow and rangefinder. I waited about 20 minutes then went looking for my deer. It was getting dark and hard to see without a flashlight. I decided not to take a chance on pushing him, put an arrow in the ground and walked out. I found him right away in the morning at the head of a draw 70 yards from where I shot him. Besides the fact that he is a nice 4x4, I have never taken a mulie in velvet before and was pumped.


Entry Hole!


I have to put a plug in here for Mystery Ranch packs. Like many other Hunttalkers have said before me, they are absolutely the best packs I have ever worn. I have used most of the others at some time or another and have five different packs laying in my hunting room at home right now, but these things rock. After using them when hunting with Big Fin, Grizzley, and Upper Deck, I bought my own Crew Cab this summer and am sold on them.

After packing out my deer I hunted with Grizzley for a couple of days and while glassing the last evening found a nice group of elk with seven different bulls. I watched them bed and went back that evening to get some pics. There were a couple of outstanding bulls in the group and it really got the blood pumping as I leave of elk hunting in CO in 11 days.


I have also included a few other pics from a recent hiking trip to MT just for the heck of it.


The fall is starting off great and I still have a pile of tags waiting to be filled. It should be a blast. Good luck to everyone on their upcoming hunts and be safe!
Congrats on a great buck Buschy! That buck got what was coming to him in my book for referring to your as Butt Monkey!

Great pics! Good luck in CO.
Wow Buschy! Really fun read and great play by play action. The pics are awesome!

Thanks for sharing and darn - looks like a decent forecast on some upcomming elk there!

Best of success and nice buck!
Alright Buschy, where were those kind of bucks in December? You were sandbagging me. KHunter and Dinkshooter were finding all kings of big bucks last winter, then you go out and first day, shoot that buck. I must have done something to be on your bad list. Sheesh. ;)

Congrats on a great buck. As hard as you work at that, you deserve a first day buck. Good luck on the rest of your tags this year.
Beautiful buck. I'm secretly hoping not to stick anything early this year in the mountains while chasing elk, so I'll have a chance to hunt country like that in eastern Montana.
Sweet! That's getting it done. Good luck with the rest of that pile.

Great shots from MT, too.
Congrats on a great buck. Now what are you gonna do with all that free time?
Congratulations Buschy! Awesome velvet buck!

I had already heard about "the shot" from Muley, I am impressed! A very well deserved trophy
A great buck great pictures and a great story. Thanks for sharing them and way to get it done. Good luck the rest of the season.
Simply awesome you definitely have them deer figured out. Congrats and good luck in Colorado.
Awesome story and pics Buschy! Well done and well deserved. By the way nice bull pics:)

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