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2007 photos newly rediscovered

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
A nice kudu that I passed on as I had already shot one - my friend Chris shot it the next day - really nice bull! Better than mine by a large degree,


Another picture of him


This is a gemsbok I realy wanted to shoot, but David said no - there should be more coming in and that is a cow. No more came in an I think I should have shot her!


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My kudu - poor performance from a 225 gr Nosler partition - had to track him five miles. Insufficient penetration - did not pass through shoulder. Jacob did a great job of tracking him throuh many animals' tracks.


My wart hog


A jackal - I should have shot it but we were waiting for other game to come in.


What do you think? Should I have shot her?


Well? Would you have taken the shot?

Awesome pictures...I would have shot...but at least you can say you had the chance to shoot this type of game! Most of us just live vicariously through you oversea's hunters! Thanks for sharing!
Most of the hunting was over water. The vegetation is so thick that you can't see too far through it. The various trees are not so very close together that you can't walk through them, they just tend to all be the same size and large enough that they cover up the game. We did see game from the elevelated seats in the vehicles, and then stalk or follow the game to get within range. We made several unsuccessful stalks on wildebeest and wart hogs. I wasn't after a zebra, but the guys who were did a lot of those.
Thanks for the info! If/when I go, I definitely plan to try to hunt a place where stalking is the best method. Just how I 'see' Africa.... Not that I would be against sitting on a water hole to punch a few tags. :D
Nice pics, animals and story!
Interesting that the Nosler Partion didn't work on the Kudu....What caliber? All but one of mine have been taken with a 7mmMag with 175gr Nitrex with a Grand Slam (no longer available) . One was taken, first one, with a .375RUM as we were tracking a bigazz Livingstone Eland when we encountered one we could not pass.

I think you made the right decision on the Gemsbok. While I have killed a couple of cows, we were meat hunting for the Bushman on their preserve in the Kalahari.
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