2 Videos - First Bull and 2017 Highlight Reel


New member
Mar 30, 2017
I am new to hunting (2-3 years) and this year I finally dove head first into the sport (lifestyle? passion?) that I know I'll be addicted to for life. I grew up a city boy in San Francisco and am now a Montana resident that wants to spend every day in the woods and barely touch a big city again.

From shed hunting, to bear season, to elk season and on, I spent about 150 days in the field this year. It was my first year after graduating college so, besides a summer job guiding wildlife tours, I was very free. Lived out of my car much of the year and just hunted every day.

I made 4 films this year. The first two I have already posted on Hunt Talk, my Montana bear video (successful hunt) and my Montana Unlimited Sheep video (unsuccessful hunt). Both of those can be found on my youtube page. The last two videos are below:

#1. My first bull elk - this is a 10 minute story of how I spent my last year obsessing on one goal of harvesting a bull elk.


#2. 2017 Highlight Reel - this is a 3 minute action packed highlight reel showing my lifestyle in Montana


I hope you guys enjoy! Please watch on highest quality (1080p) and I would love any editing feedback you could offer!

Thanks for all the info on this site- it helped me tremendously!

Congrats man , good job at working hard and keeping at it , I also killed my 1st Branch Bull this season , it was my 3rd elk over all but getting a branch antlered bull consumed me all year long as well .

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