Yeti GOBOX Collection

150 days...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
...but whose counting
LilbigGun, that should give you long enough to warn the State of AK that I'm coming to invade it........
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure and warn the troopers, F&G and search and rescue
As the time gets closer, it will take longer and longer for that day to get here...LOL.
Gotta keep him off balance a little...
He might think I am being fresh or some thing if I didn't...LMAO!!!!
65 days.... LESS then 1/2 when I was FIRED UP !!! I wonder how slow the next two months will go.. I think actually With work and summer and Every weekend Booked till I go It will get here before I'm ready...

65 Days.... BUT who's counting
I have my plane ticket in hand and am ready to go too. Original plan was for two separate hunts; sheep/goat/bear and then a bou hunt. I had to drop the bou hunt for this year though. Oh well, something is better than nothing. Good luck on yours, as well as prepping for it. As soon as I finish my test on Monday I'll be leaving the treadmill for the mountains.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-05-2003 22:05: Message edited by: Ovis ]</font>
Ovis.. I don't see you post for 2 weeks and the Second I post in the AK section you're here
YOU must have the 6th sence

So, Tell me your Schedule again bro, when are you going ? How long are you going ? How are you hunting (BAckpack, Plane dropoff, Truck) ? How many of you are going ? What is everybody hunting ?

And what did you mean your heading for the hills ? Is that local ?

Dude, I've been busier than chit. I was outta town visiting the in-laws last week. I've been studying for exams, I take my last one Monday, thus I am spending this entire 4-day weekend studying. After I knock this out, I am officially edumacated with a BA to prove it. I've made it a point to stop in and see what is going on, but honestly have not posted a single thing, other than to congratulate those guys on the easton's submission.

As far as AK goes, I leave the beginning of Sept. Flying up to the ol stomping grounds in Fairbanks, then driving down to Valdez, and flying out with a bush pilot I have used now for three years. It will be a ten day hunt, and as mentioned before the game bag includes sheep, goat, and bear. I'll probably take the first good looking black bear I find and most likely will hold off on the grizz until May, which I intend to go back to the AK Peninsula and hunt for brownies. Since this is a one bear every four years area, I don't want to bust a grizz when I have an opportunity to play around with the big coastal boys this spring.

Hunting with a long time friend, and this will be a backpack style hunt. Will setup and breakdown camp each day until the tags are filled or until it is time to go home and call it quits.

As far as what I meant by hitting the hills here, I mean exactly that. I've only had time to utilize the treadmill here at the house, but after I test Monday, I'll probably be driving up just north of Mt Home (about 20 minutes from the house) four days a week to loosen up these leg muscles.

Can't wait to hear about you and your dad's stories when you get back.
Sounds like we're leaving about the Same time and You'll be getting b ack a hair before I do. I'm planning on renting a Satalite phone and LBG will have an update. Whats 5$ a min anyways

YAH, I'm hitting the hills next month. This month its Flat land and Distance and Diet. Next month is the Torture !!!!

Thanx for the Updates bro...

HEY, What is your Ed-jima-kation in ?
Educated in Bid'ness! Sat phone is on the list, may or may not happen. I get tired of crossing the fingers in hopes the cell phone will or will not work.
For Alaska have you looked into local places that Rent them ? I know there are places But I haven't looked into them yet. I figured I'd bum ya for Info if ya knew ?

Good luck on your test !!
Caribou Gear

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