11th hour California Gobbler


Active member
Feb 14, 2015
For obvious reasons, fall is my favorite time of year, but turkeys are not easy to hunt this time of year.

I have a tried and true location I hunt both spring and fall turkeys, but this year, the birds simply would not leave private land. So, I began exploring a new location, and was able to pinpoint where birds in this area roosted during the fall. The problem was that the area was incredibly dense with briars. So dense, that I couldn’t penetrate their home range. After several outings resulting in failures and bloody hands, legs, and ears, I finally found a way to crawl through about 50 yards of pure hell before reaching an opening. Over the course of the season, I was able to learn this group of turkeys daily habits, and with two days left in the season, today was the day I would put that knowledge to use.

I decided to ambush the turkeys on their way to roost. I made my way through the thickets at about 3:30, but the birds were further along than I anticipated. When en route to my setup location, I flushed a flock of Toms. They all flew up to the trees, out of gun range. I was totally bummed, but knew more birds would be coming, so I continued on. After a few more steps, one final Tom flushed into the trees. This one was within range, with his neck fully extended as he looked for his buddies. I didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger, and he fell to the ground, wings out and twirling like a helicopter. He was a two year old, with short but very sharp spurs. What an amazing end to a fun season!
Congrats! I think fall birds are tough. It seems impossible to call them in so you have to figure out the travel route, just like you did!
Great story and congrats. Reminds me of being a kid and tunneling under the thickets. You should maintain it throughout the year and block the entrance LOL

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