Yeti GOBOX Collection

100 posts


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Newport, OR
Well i better do this know since this is my 100th post. My name is Evan and I live about an hour and a half north of Pittsburgh PA. I graduated last May from Penn State with a degree in wildlife and fisheries science. I hope to be moving out west here soon (first i got to find a job though) and be able to hunt some new county. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's stories and pictures and really appreciate all of the knowledge you guys have past on. Being from the east and not knowing a thing about hunting west of the Mississippi River you have guys have helped me a ton! So thanks and good luck on the rest of your hunting season. :D
Penn State? You should have come out west for that degree man! Especially if you want to work out here.
Welcome, and good luck on the job hunt. If you're interested in the Colorado Division of Wildlife, be sure to sign up for DOW Insider. They email you links to temporary and permanent job openings as they are posted. There should be a whole lot of temporary jobs posted in the next 2-3 months.
Penn State? You should have come out west for that degree man! Especially if you want to work out here.

Well Im a native of PA so it was cheaper and I was young and dumb (not much has changed though):rolleyes:

Thanks Oak i will keep my eyes on that, at this point temporary looks great to me probably will get paid more than working for the conservation district I work for now.
Congrats on the degree. Remember, if you're gonna move to Montana, bring your own job, and your own woman. :D
While working in SW Wyoming, I was told there is a beautiful woman behind every native tree.....All sage brush. Go figure. Good luck in your Job search & congrats on your degree. I came out West with a job, now I don't want to leave. My wife is looking for a place in Southern Colorado as we type. Take care & God Bless.