

Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I'm jsut wondering if anyone has ever done this on a Large Item. You know, go in 1/2 with a Friend on a Boat, a Summer Cabin, a LAwnmower ?

It jsut seems to make sence to me but I'm not sure how it works . OK dorks, I know how it "works", we each pay half, but has anyone done it and have a Story ?

I think Schmalts owns a Plane with some Partners ? Anyone else and whats the Pro's and cons ?
The only rough part is the sharing. If its something big I would almost have some sort of formal written agreement for user times, kind of like a time share.
Martin and myself went in together and bought a duck boat about 13 years ago.

We just recently sold it to his nephew.

We put in equal amounts of money to buy it and any repairs over the years we halved.

I registered the boat in my name and Martin kept the boat in his basement. I had an extra remote for the garage door so anytime I wanted to use it I could go get it.
I have never seen 1/2's work and on several things for that matter. Usually what happens, is one party looses intrest whatever and wants out or to sell his part, then either you have to sell also or buy out the other half.
Did "halfsies" on a boat with a co-worker when I used to live at the mouth of the Rogue River. I got the better end of the deal IMHO as he was one of those guys that always wanted to be tinkering on something and put A LOT of hours into clean-up and tune-up on that old piece....wouldn't take an extra dime for his work. We had it for 4 years and then sold it for about 40% more than we paid for it when I moved form Orygunnn. So it "can" work with the right partner....
My buddy and his partner do this on most everything major - the ranch, the boat, etc. The only things Jorge has learned not to go halves on are (1) horses - his partner does not take care of them as well as Jorge does (2) vehicles (ATVs, traucks, etc.) - same as above, and his partner's kids are hell on wheels.

For the ranch, properties and the boat, expenses are split down the middle.
I went 1/4's with my brothers on buying our old homestead/camp. The place was in such rough shape we decided to tear it down and rebuild. WE decided we would each put $5k in to the rebuilding fund to start with, no problem. The problem arises when they don't realize how much things cost, and always want to make changes in the plans. Ex: The place has no pressurized water, the DEP won't allow it, unless we put a Sandmound 300 yards to the north of the site. That isn't our property, and we would have to dig up a state road, and put a pump in. They first wanted to defy the DEP, good idea, loose the place in fines. Then they agreed to keep the outside pitcher pump, but move the kitchen another 50ft from the pump. Now they want wildlife viewing windows. Big picture windows, they don't realize how much they cost, and how easily they can be broke. The Deck they want to wrap the camp in will cost more than $5k but they don't want to cough up more money. These three do not hunt or fish, and haven't been there in years. Its been an uphill battle about every day. I have three brothers that are pretty much not talking to me now. I wish I would have just bought it by myself.
me and my cousin took a fat chick to the buffet once and we went half on the bill.
My brother and I each paid half for an older cabin cruiser.... He never has any money and I seem to have to pay for everything... I am ready to sell it or buy him out....I guess its OK but i would get something in writing even with a family member.
Never. It's cliche but you'll either lose a friend or some money(or both). If I cant buy it myself I probably dont need it.
My friend and I bought property in N Idaho together. It is 13 acres and on an undivided interest. We built two cabins, I help him with his and he helped me with mine, the cabins are seperate but we each have a key to the others and have other freinds that us them occasionally. There is no property line and we just share the other expenses equally (taxes etc...) We have had the place for about five years and everything seems to work out fine. It can be done with the right set of friends.
I would never do it on land. Did it once and it ended a freindship
I never will go half again , went half on a camp with my dad and never never NEVER again.Moose don't take the chance in loosing a friend or be out $$$. Best thing that ever happen to our camp is he left the pilet light's on and one went out and it burn't to the ground.Better then that the land was in my name and what he was lacking from behind payments I got it back :D
...went halves on a quarterhorse once...my half was the part that ate...after a disappointing career, he shot his half...my half died.
noharleyyet said:
...went halves on a quarterhorse once...my half was the part that ate...after a disappointing career, he shot his half...my half died.
If you went 1/2's on a 1/4 horse, wouldn't that make it 1/8 of a share????
guppie9 said:
If you went 1/2's on a 1/4 horse, wouldn't that make it 1/8 of a share????

....uh, that much math makes my head hurt gup...I'm betting you knew I was referring to an equine dragster.;)
Thats funn harley.

I went 1/2's with a friend on a camp trailer. It worked just fine. We used and abused the heck out of it. When I left the Boise Valley 4 years ago, I gifted him my 1/2. I'd go in with him again. I'd never go in with a family member. Sometimes I believe I'm directly related to weirdos.
Went in half's on a house with my brother, He was getting a divorce and I had good credit and money to spend, 3 months after we moved in he tells me he getting back with his wife right away and won't be giving me his 1/2 of the mortgage for that month. That was 12 years agon and haven't spoke t him since he, swears he's going to pay me what is owed but he keeps buying his step kids cars. I got the last laugh he quit claimed his interest to me and I made a bundle when I sold the place.
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