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  1. Y

    Kicked in the NAHCers...

    Like J.T. (Snuffy), I have been absent far too long. Good to be back. And Bush is a moron...:)
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    Yo, T-Bone- I'm getting there...

    Got my Wiggy's bag. Got my Nikon spotter. Just ordered my Kifaru Longhunter, and my wife, God Love her, is buying me a set of 8x20 Zeiss Victory's for my birthday later on this month. It's all come together. Now all I need is my Kifaru Paratipi & Stove combo...
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    Hey, Paws...

    Could you go have another look at the website? I finally lit a fire under the designers, and had them lighten up the backgound. Let me know if that helps... Thanks.
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    New Website...

    This was also posted in the Guide Section, but I figure it might get more play here... Just got my new site up and running- a little constructive feedback would be appreciated. It isn't complete yet, but you'll get the idea. Don't worry- all spelling/grammar mistakes will be...
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    Hey, cjcj....

    Courtesy of, again, ATTENTION NEW MEXI-RICAN GOP VOTERS! PADRE BUSH ANNOUNCES NEW "SOMBRERO LOOPHOLE" IN HOMELAND SECURITY FOR MILLIONS OF LAW-BREAKING FOREIGNERS Statement by the President THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Please stop pruning for a moment and be seated. I'm here...
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    My God, I love these guys...this is an article from, one of the better sites I've ever found on the web. PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT URGING RESISTANCE TO MASS HOMICIDAL PANIC OVER THE "MAD COW" TERROR PERPETRATED AGAINST AMERICA BY OPRAH-WATCHING CANADIACS Statement by the President...
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    Good Old George- Friend of the Timber Industry

    I was kinda waiting to see someone else mention this... Courtesy the Center for American Progress "Apparently, the Bush Administration allowed the timber industry to open their presents on Christmas Eve. On December 24, the Department of Agriculture quietly announced that it was removing...
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    Hey Paws- does this sound familiar?

    (Sorry, all, but I'm new here, and I'm not entirely sure where to post political "Camentary") Check this out, Paws- maybe I should be writing for these guys. This is from the Centre for American Progress "THE DEFICIT PROBLEM: One oft-overlooked detail about the new economic figures: the recovery...
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    Kifaru LongHunter

    Anyone have any experience with Kifaru stuff? As much as I like their tipis and stoves, I think I'll have to pass- to many bugs up here to go without a floor, and no fuel for the stove where I'm going for Sheep. However, I really like what I've seen and heard about their packs. Opinions?
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    What's up with this forum?

    Anyone interested in this? I'm heading there (hopefully) in 2006, and would appreciate all available info. <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-07-2003 20:18: Message edited by: Yukon Hunter ]</font>
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    Look, I know I'm new here, but I'm going to have to ask you all to stop running down President Bush. After all, if people aren't going to get mad every time I mention what a complete moron he is, how am I going to have any fun?
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    New Guy

    Hi there- Thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Cam, I'm from the Great WHite North, and I'm kinda quiet and shy. Hopefully, a couple of you fellas can bring out the debater in me. And Paws, quit changing your name!! I hate having to check the itty-bitty number at the bottom to see if it's you...