Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. W

    No-Balls Dinner in Jackson Hole

    Elkhunter.....are you going? :eek: PAWS' Spay-Ghetti and No-Balls Dinner, 5:15-9:30 p.m. at Nani's Genuine Pasta House. Fun, family benefit dinner for the Spay and Neuter Program. $25 adults, $20 children. Call Nani's for reservations, 733-3888.
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    France Terror-Alert Status

    AP and UPI reported that the French Government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "run" to "hide." The only two higher levels in France are "surrender" and "collaborate." The change was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed one of France's white flag...
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    "Elmer Gomer" finds a new bar

    To protect the guilty, a pseudonym is used. A popular bar had a new robotic bartender installed. It could not only dispense drinks flawlessly, but also like any good bartender --engage in appropriate conversation. ElmerGomer enters the bar, orders a drink. The robot serves him a perfectly...
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    Bronze Rat

    A tourist walked into a Chinese curio shop in San Francisco. While looking around at the exotic merchandise, he noticed a very lifelike, life-sized, bronze statue of a rat. It ad no price tag, but was incredibly striking. The tourist decided he must have it. He took it to the old shop owner and...
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    An interview from Iraq.

    An interview from Iraq! http://swc2.hccs.edu/rmorecook/newsreportfromiraq.wmv
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    Here, hold my beer (I'll hold your head)

    MARIETTA, Ga. - A drunken driver hit a telephone pole support wire that decapitated his passenger, then drove 12 miles home and slept in his bloody clothes, leaving the headless body in his truck, police said. A neighbor walking with his young daughter Sunday morning discovered Daniel Brohm's...
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    Kerry's Purple Hearts Downgraded

    The military today downgraded John Kerry's 3 Purple hearts to "Pink". Officials went to his home and exchanged his 3 purple hearts saying, "Here, these are the hearts you were intended to get. Our mistake. Sorry." Kerry, sources say, took the exchange admirably even though Pink Hearts do not...
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    Just a parody-completely fictitious

    Jeb Bush, brother of President Bush gave Reuters reporters a candid, inside look at his plans for tampering with this year's presidential elections. Governor Bush, uncomfortable with the term "tampering" prefers to call it "adjusting". "We down here in Florida feel that it is our sworn duty as...
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    August 15, 1967 - The "56,000 Acre Sundance Fire" in northern Idaho was started by lightning. The fire was fueled by a forest made bone dry by one of the hottest and driest summers on record. 50 mph winds carried fire brands up to 10 miles in advance to ignite new fires. As a result, the fire...
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    More Political Humor

    Kerry was going to visit the Catholic National Cathedral outside Washington as part of his campaign. Kerry's campaign manager made a visit to the Cardinal and said to him, "We've been getting a lot of bad publicity among Catholics because of Kerry's position on abortion and the like. We'd gladly...
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    "Hanoi John's Speech

    Kerry emphasized throughout his speech his credentials as a Vietnam veteran. "I defended this country as a young man," he said. "We fought for this nation because we loved it and we came back with the deep belief that every day is extra." (The only thing he said that I can agree with) There...
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    Can't any of them tell the truth?

    Note the last paragraph especially after reading! BOSTON - The Democrats have a balloon problem. John Kerry concluded his acceptance speech Friday night, the jubilant convention crowd cheered and the balloons dropped. A few of them. Too few. "Go balloons," said convention producer Don Mischer...
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    Types of Hunters

    An interesting study.....maybe out dated but worth reading.....recognize yourself or someone else? TYPES OF HUNTERS Many wildlife managers feel that Yale professor Dr. Stephen Kellert's 1978 study of U.S. hunters and their attitudes and characteristics still mostly applies today in North...
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    "Who's a crude liar?"

    Yes Sir, Mr. Gunner.....Just what Idaho needs to represent them! Take her.....please do! "We need to turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics," the wife of Democratic candidate Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.) told...
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    Poacher gets just "desserts"!

    From the Colorado DOW Insider: GLENWOOD CANYON BIGHORN RAM POACHING CASE ENDS WITH FOUR MONTH JAIL SENTENCE AND $27,500 FINE A Glenwood Springs man was sentenced Thursday for the illegal killing of a trophy-size bighorn sheep in Glenwood Canyon. Joshua Eli Lloyd, 25, had been charged with the...
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    Freedom of Speech

    "WE WOULD RATHER DO BUSINESS WITH 1000 AL QAEDA TERRORISTS THAN WITH A SINGLE AMERICAN" This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Philadelphia. You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement. One...
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    Boo Hoo....Mom they're pickin' on me!

    ElkGunner Member Member # 1401 posted 07-14-2004 20:02 Hey Nut, Can you go delete/edit WhiteDeer's post in the Adult section??? :( :( :( :( :(
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    More Sheriff Mike!

    Nature Conservancy, The Tip Of The Iceberg By Sheriff Mike Cook Last week we talked about the Nature Conservancy and the fact that they are under investigation by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. Much of this information was exposed by the Washington Post and I believe the findings of this...
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    For Mini Moose
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    Bald Eagle Report

    (AP) Bald eagle populations surged in the northeastern United States and remained mostly steady in other areas during the past 15 years, a dose of good news for scientists trying to protect the nation's symbol. Across most of the lower 48 states, bald eagles increased nearly 2 percent annually...

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