Caribou Bags...which size?


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
SE Minnesota
I was wondering what size Caribou Bags you guys would recommend? The bags would primarily be used for elk and/or mule deer, so I was leaning towards the elk/medium magnum pack. From those with experience, would you also be able to make this size work for a shiras moose? Other than weight, is there any reason a person wouldn't want to oversize and just go with the moose/large magnum pack?

From what I see, it looks like the biggest difference is the moose version has 60" long bags vs. 48" for the elk version and the moose version contains one extra bag.

Thanks for any advice!
I used the Wapiti ones this year for a bone in cow elk. Zero complaints, they had room to spare and washed up nice ready for next year. I have not killed a moose but have seen them up close. I don’t think it would work as well due to the size difference. That 60” bag would be a pain to hang up in the trees unless you have a pulley system and tall branches.
I use the wapiti bags. I have the moose bags and they are really big. I only use them on moose and bison. I think you would be best served using the wapiti series bags.
You can fit a boned out elk in the Caribou size bags fine, but an bone in elk hindquarter is too wide to slide in the bag. These aren't like the cheese cloth game bags that stretch, the length isn't really the issue so much as the circumference of the opening of the bag. I would say that wapiti would be fine for a shiras, definitely would fit boned out and might be a little snug boned in... probably wouldn't be able to get an AK moose hindquarter bone in the bag and might have trouble on a big shiras bull. Big Fin is definitely the expert here so I would take his advice.
The Wapiti 5 pc set, for many years now. A bone in Elk hind quarter fits easily into the Wapiti size bag. As a caveat, muscle will bond to the bag material if you let it dry while in contact and bloody. I now pull the mtl away from the muscle before I let it sit very long.
As others have said, go with the wapiti set. Do not get the moose bags, they will be way too big.

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