General NM Gila Forest questions


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2018
North Idaho
Hey guys!

I have a bull tag for the second rifle season in the Gila 16a and was looking for some general answers to the following questions (not specific to how or where to hunt elk, I will figure that out with my boots for 7 days before the opener.)

1) Do I need to bring my quad with me on the 950 mile road trip? I prefer using my legs but also have heard that some of the old forest roads are difficult for even 4wd trucks, in case I get lucky and pack a bull out to a road and want to pick up with a motorized vehicle. I would rather not bring a quad but just curious on others opinions. I have a 1500 chevy 4x4 with good mud tires and will be towing a jumping jack single axle trailer to base camp out of. I realize heavy rains can change everything in that type of dirt, so I am just talking in general with no rains or flood situations.

2) Water - Ive read where people are bringing in extra water into the Gila and even in some cases into the back country spike camping. Will I have a chance to find springs or creeks for filtering drinking water out of spike camp? Or just filter out of bull piss invested water tanks? I hope not lol...

3) Will any type of elk calling be advantageous during this season (Oct 20th -24th)? For whats its worth I am just now ordering a variety of Rocky Mountain Hunting calls so I am as green in this department as they come.

4) Is Reserve my best option for re supplying things like ice and water?

Thank you much in advance for taking the time reading this. Cheers,

Howdy. I'll take a shot at answers.
Reserve is closest spot for supplies for 16a.
Also good source of water @ FS station. I would not trust any spring or stream in the Gila for potable water,personally. This year with the drought ,even if we get tons of rain in the monsoon,it could be very spotty.
Most roads here are can be accessed pretty easily by good 4wd & excellent tires & back up spares,usually,maybe,depending on conditions & not being stupid. That & knowing how to drive.....
There are many roads that are terrible on a quad too. Oh,bring all the spares for that trip too....
I personally do not own or use a quad much ever.
I can usually get close enough to legally get in & out with just my truck.
I do know if I see any vehicle where it should not be, I will try & do something about it
Cow calls for cover or locator. A bit late for bugles then here ,IMHO...but what do I know.
I've never drawn
Hey guys!

I have a bull tag for the second rifle season in the Gila 16a and was looking for some general answers to the following questions (not specific to how or where to hunt elk, I will figure that out with my boots for 7 days before the opener.)

Congrats on drawing a great tag! I hunted 16C the other year - so not exactly where you will be, but right next door and similar country/conditions. GREAT idea to get there a week in advance. Do note that the 75 1st rifle hunters (and assorted helpers) will be in the woods through the Wednesday before your hunt starts.

1) Do I need to bring my quad with me on the 950 mile road trip? I prefer using my legs but also have heard that some of the old forest roads are difficult for even 4wd trucks

The Gila NF roads are rough once you leave main arteries. And - there are a lot of them. If it had rained on my hunt a good number of them would have been unpassable. I would have liked to have an ATV but was fine in the truck to get around between our various launch points.

Necessary? No. More comfortable and less chance of sticking/bashing the truck, Yes. If I owned one, I would have brought it.

2) Water - Ive read where people are bringing in extra water into the Gila and even in some cases into the back country spike camping.

Not sure about 16A, but we brought 2X as much water as we would for a weeklong hunt here in CO, and then we resupplied it from the Winston store 1/2 way through. I wouldn't have wanted to drink from the majority of the water holes that we found.

3) Will any type of elk calling be advantageous during this season (Oct 20th -24th)?
You never know. I had 1st rifle (the week before 2nd) and we still had bugling and some rut activity happening. It's doubtful they'll be bugling like crazy, but certainly have cow calls. How they are acting will depend on the conditions, of course, but in general that's getting pretty late for bugling.

4) Is Reserve my best option for re supplying things like ice and water?
Depends on where in the unit you are camped, but probably. Winston may be easier/faster to access if you're on the Eastern edge.
I can usually get close enough to legally get in & out with just my truck.
I do know if I see any vehicle where it should not be, I will try & do something about it

I like your style! If I see any vehicles where they shouldnt be in your woods I will do my best to report, and of course leave the Gila cleaner than I found it even if I never get lucky to return...

Thanks for all that solid info, it helps a lot.
Thanks cedahm, I would think I could find water to filter but now I am going to be prepared and bring all my drinking water. And yea I figured going to scout for a week would be wise and Ill get to know all the spots I have sorted on google earth. Ill definitely be cautious of the other 1st rifle hunters.
Hank et al. have summed it up real well. Yeah, go prepared to never take a drink from a natural source, although I've seen usually dry canyons in the Wilderness running with feet of water in September.
I've called in trophy-class raghorns in November in unit 12, or was it 13?. Sit down, have a snack, cow call periodically and be patient. Never know what might happen.
Winston has a great general store.
I've filtered some pretty funky water there. Some nice springs too,but would not rely on them.
Ditto the cow calling & the shade.
How about average expected high and low temperatures in the higher elevations in the Gila in October?
How about average expected high and low temperatures in the higher elevations in the Gila in October?

Hank will have way more experiential data - but on my hunt it was high 20s to mid-80s. Every day varied 5-10 degrees, but I don’t think that’s out of the norm.
Cedar pretty much nailed it.
40's-80's in daytime,teens's -40's @ nite.
I am ready for zero to 80's here daily,
If you don't like the weather in NM,wait half an hour & it will change.
One thing I notice if you are above 7k' & it feels like it is 80,go into shade & it will be way cooler.It's the altitude.
I don't think I have ever seen 80 on the thermometer in late Oct at my place,but it sure feels like it in the sun.
7450' @ Camp Hank.
Heads up, it rained all night here with a rare early start to the monsoon season.
Good to hear, I hope it gave the firefighters enough help. I wonder if its a sign or not of a wet summer for you guys.
Having hinted 16 C last year, I'll agree with what everyone has said. Bring lots and lots of water. Idk if spike camping will be necessary since there are quite a few roads, but you never know. Scout as much as you can and be glassing at sunup and at sunset. There's big bulls, but they are smart too.

Bring lots and lots of water. I would see about getting like a hundred gallon tank for portable water and just drinking from that.

If you drive through Winston, say hi to the folks at the general store there. They are really nice and helpful people. Theres also a 300 plus inch full velvet bull on their wall
This storm was not Monsoon . It was a Hurricane that came up thru. A blessing. Just read the forecast for the next 2 weeks here in AZ and 0% chance of rain. Hope fully the Monsoon will show first of July. You guys over there generally get it first. Good Luck........BOB!
That was the second eastern Pacific hurricane to form off Mexico so far this year. Tropical moisture flowing up from Mexico feeds the monsoon season in SW US. May not be full monsoon season yet, but it's a start.
Better than the last few years & hopefully it will last thru Sept.
Lots of good questions and info presented here. I am curious if you can report on how your hunt went?