Fence Hopping?


New member
Jun 1, 2016
Was hoping someone could shed some light on a discussion my dad and I had while antelope hunting in Wyoming. While hunting public land, primarily BLm, we ran across the question can we hope a fence that is on BLM land. Seemed like the only reason there was a fence was to keep cattle from getting out on the roadway. We could not find any gate access. The only gates we could find we tiny parcels of private land making the gate private. We are 100% positive the areas are BlM. We were trying to figure out if we parked off the road could we hop the fence since it’s BLm? Not sure if it’s legal or just frowned upon. Ultimately we ended up just not hunting the area because we weren’t sure. Tons of antelope though so we wanted to. Anyone know how to handle this or had to deal with it. The area is in the Douglas area.