Solar charger for cell phones


Aug 3, 2016
Blaine, MN
Anyone have suggestions for the best solar charging packs/cells for backpacking? There are so many models on Amazon, but the reviews aren't, largely, vetted by anyone using them in more extreme hunting conditions. It also seems many of the packs are supposed to be charged via a wall or car and then topped off using the solar cells, which isn't useful. Thanks.
I'm thinking of the myriad of affordable, battery charges would be a better fit. I know there's been plenty of discussion on those on this forum in the past.
Personally I would just look at getting you a few good battery banks vs a solar charger. For the most part, solar chargers are really slow or really bulky if you get a fast one and fairly expensive for anything worth its weight. Battery banks are fairly inexpensive now so for the same amount of weight as a solar charger, you could carry a couple with you. I carry a 22,000 mah battery bank which can charge my cell phone approximately 6 times on its own. I dont know the exact weight but I'd say around 1/2 a pound and its about the size of a cell phone but a little thicker.
Depending on how long your hunt is and how many devices you need charged would determine what system you need to have for charging. If you have cell phone, headlamp, gps all running off USB for a 7-10 hunt then you might want to go with a solar charger (Goal Zero Nomad 7plus) and also bring a Dark Energy Poseiden to charge everything. For shorter hunts or less devices then just take the Poseiden.
I have a Goal Zero panel. As others have said, it's slow.... I only bought it because I was wandering aimlessly through Cabelas with a gift card and didn't have a clue what to buy, other than honey roasted cashews.

I actually thought it would be better in the boat, which it is.

Depending on where you will be and what you want to carry. You could always pack a battery pack, leaving the solar panel in camp, facing the best angle towards the sun hooked up to another battery pack. It's charging one during the day while you're off hunting and you can swap the next day.

If you're moving with camp on your back you'd probably be better served with a single, hifgher capacity battery pack.
We took one of the larger Anker packs on a 6 day fishing trip for four of us. It was about the weight of three phones put together. (sorry, I don't know the MAH). We all topped our devices off with it several times, and it still had a charge at the end of the trip.
I have been using the Goal Zero for a few years and no real complains. It is not fast but for the small size it is great.

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