Factory ammo for Tikka T3x 7mm RemMag

Anybody shoot 175 grains out of a their 7mm RM? I'm currently loading some up for my moose trip in 5.5 months. Unfortunately, it's been too snowy to get to my usual shooting spots on BLM for most of the winter.
My custom dial came last week.

Went out with the wife today and was hitting basketball sized sandstones at from 400 out to ~670 even with about a 10mph wind. The CDS is pretty dead on. Range, twist, shoot. I wouldn't shoot at an animal at 670 but shooting that distance somewhat accurately is neat.



EDIT: Sorry for the turned pics
I shoot Horandy SST Superformance out of my 30-06 Tikka T3. It groups wonderfully and I have used it to shoot steel gongs from 200yrds out to 630yrds consistently. Thats farther than I would shoot an animal but always fun to hear the ring from hitting your target regardless.
I just couldn't resist the temptation of this thread and made a trip to Sportsmans Warehouse yesterday, then a Tikka T3x Superlite in 7mm Rem Mag miraculously found it's way into my vehicle! I wanted to purchase an extra magazine for the rifle; they only had one type of magazine on the shelf that listed several calibers (including 270 Win, 300 Win Mag, etc), but it didn't specifically call out 7mm Rem Mag. The person helping me said they must be out of stock for 7mm Rem Mag, so I didn't purchase a magazine. After researching this a little bit this morning, it looks like 270 Win/300 Win Mag magazine might be the same magazine use for 7mm Rem Mag...is that true? It appears that an extended magazine is also available that holds 4 rounds (instead of the factory 3 rounds). Did any of you guys pick up an extra magazine for your 7mm Rem Mag? If so, what did you go with?
MDJ I picked up an extended magazine for my T3 30-06 from Cheaper Than Dirt for around $30. I believe it was sized for various .30 LA calibers (not recalling which at the moment) so you should be good. I will say I would have rather got another standard mag as I often field carry with one hand on the magazine and the extended makes this impossible. I just use the extended mag when I'm carrying my rifle on my pack and switch to the standard if I'm doing more than a bit of field carry.
In looking at the Mountain Tactical website, it appears that 270/300wm and 7mm all use the same magazine.


I just bought a Tikka in 7mm. I do plan on buying an extra magazine but haven't done it yet.

I just couldn't resist the temptation of this thread and made a trip to Sportsmans Warehouse yesterday, then a Tikka T3x Superlite in 7mm Rem Mag miraculously found it's way into my vehicle! I wanted to purchase an extra magazine for the rifle; they only had one type of magazine on the shelf that listed several calibers (including 270 Win, 300 Win Mag, etc), but it didn't specifically call out 7mm Rem Mag. The person helping me said they must be out of stock for 7mm Rem Mag, so I didn't purchase a magazine. After researching this a little bit this morning, it looks like 270 Win/300 Win Mag magazine might be the same magazine use for 7mm Rem Mag...is that true? It appears that an extended magazine is also available that holds 4 rounds (instead of the factory 3 rounds). Did any of you guys pick up an extra magazine for your 7mm Rem Mag? If so, what did you go with?
3 shot 650 yard group by my hand.

And the wife having a lot of fun popping balloons in the wind at 450


I bought extra mag. 4 rounds. Works well. I think it's factory. Had tikka logo on the packaging but bought it from some gun shop selling on eBay.

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