Yeti GOBOX Collection

"The Counselor"

as in the movie? or we all need to see one,...? I went to the show on date night with the soon-to-be-Mrs. last night. We didn't care for it.
Cormac McCarthy screenplay. Convoluted plot,, graphic, rich dialogue, unique characters.....evil vs virtue. If you liked 'No Country'.....
I can't even figure out what the movie is about after seeing the previews. Anyone care to give a quick summary of the plotline?
I was torn between seeing this or Bad Grandpa. I saw BG...glad I did. Stupid, but oh so stupidly funny!
Summary: best part 2 hot chicks, but sexual content that was way past what I've seen at a movie lately, even made me uncomfortable and it really had no purpose in the movie. Plot was about getting mixed up with the Mexican drug business and how when you either screw up or have bad luck and loose your truckload of drugs to thieves you end up dead or worse... it ended and I sat there going ok,..what was the point in that... just dumb. and yes Jeff, I could have been "busy" at the show and not missed a thing :) Good thing I hadn't started bowhunting yet or I would have been asleep half way through. (1st sit was tonight and Carlee joined me in double-wide ladder stand, only saw 2 does, but plenty of giggles, forgot my stocking hat so had 2 jersey gloves tucked into my cap for ear flaps :) ) anyway, back to the movie, IMO save your money !
just laughed out loud picturing your "new look hat" I wish she would have got a pic of that!!!:D

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