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Zumbo is history


Oct 11, 2004

Remington to Sever Sponsorship Ties with Jim Zumbo

Madison, North Carolina – As a result of comments made by Mr. Jim Zumbo in recent postings on his blog site, Remington Arms Company, Inc., has severed all sponsorship ties with Mr. Zumbo effective immediately. While Mr. Zumbo is entitled to his opinions and has the constitutional right to freely express those opinions, these comments are solely his, and do not reflect the views of Remington.

“Remington has spent tens of millions of dollars defending our Second Amendment rights to privately own and possess firearms and we will continue to vigorously fight to protect these rights,” commented Tommy Millner, Remington’s CEO and President. “As hunters and shooters of all interest levels, we should strive to utilize this unfortunate occurrence to unite as a whole in support of our Second Amendment rights.”

We regret having to terminate our long-standing relationship with Mr. Zumbo, who is a well-respected writer and life-long hunter.

than he says this
OL pulled dumbos appears they worry a lot about the 2nd...but dont give two shits about the 1st....
This is the one that started the whole thing.

Assault Rifles For Hunters?

As I write this, I'm hunting coyotes in southeastern Wyoming with Eddie Stevenson, PR Manager for Remington Arms, Greg Dennison, who is senior research engineer for Remington, and several writers. We're testing Remington's brand new .17 cal Spitfire bullet on coyotes.

I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms.

I call them "assault" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far as to call them "terrorist" rifles. They tell me that some companies are producing assault rifles that are "tackdrivers."

Sorry, folks, in my humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don't need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I've always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don't use assault rifles. We've always been proud of our "sporting firearms."

This really has me concerned. As hunters, we don't need the image of walking around the woods carrying one of these weapons. To most of the public, an assault rifle is a terrifying thing. Let's divorce ourselves from them. I say game departments should ban them from the praries and woods.
I've long suspected forestry & wildlife management degree holders to be whack.:eek: :D
What was wrong with Zumbo's comments? As hunters, do we really want to be associated with nutcases walking around with AR's and AK's?
Which nut cases are you speaking of? Have you seen the new heavy barreled AR 15's? They are a great system for cleaning killing coyotes. They are not illegal nor are they banned from use for shooting coyotes and other varmits.

If it is an image thing then what is the difference between seeing someone out with an AR 15 vs. the nimrod with the LRF, GPS, $1,500 custom rifle, $750 scope and every other piece of technology available to give him an advantage. Which is more offensive to the "non hunting" public.

Do you know anyone who hunts big game with an AR 15? I don't but quite a few of the serious coyote hunters I know us the heavy barreled AR 15 to shoot coyotes.

I really could care less what JZ's opinion is on AR 15's but I think where he crosses the line is by calling them terrorist weapons.

Agreed! Calling them "Terrorist Weapons" was a huge mistake on his part. I doubt he'll ever be able to recover from this. We as owners of firearms should NEVER make statements like his, it gives the anti's more fuel to come after our guns.
AR's or EBR's as some call them are widely used in predator hunting.

I've seen a guy shoot an M1 variant with a peep sight that would easily handle deer or elk out to 300 yards.

As long as its a caliber appropriate for the intended game and its legal I have no problem with folks using semi-autos.
Do you know anyone who hunts big game with an AR 15?
Don't know the guy, but did see a guy scaring the heck out of pronghorns near Dillon with an AR. Son would drive the ATV cross country towards Dad would would pow....pow....pow....pow....pow.... Don't know how many the clip held, but it was more than 5.
Which nut cases are you speaking of? Have you seen the new heavy barreled AR 15's? They are a great system for cleaning killing coyotes. They are not illegal nor are they banned from use for shooting coyotes and other varmits.

Do you know anyone who hunts big game with an AR 15? I don't but quite a few of the serious coyote hunters I know us the heavy barreled AR 15 to shoot coyotes.


To continue to open up a can of worms, I think the whole "thrill killing" of shooting coyotes and blasting the tops of prarie dogs doesn't do much for the hunter's image with the NON-hunting public.

I am not sure that "just because it is legal" and the fact that people who give hunting a bad image like to use them is reason enough for the other 99% of hunters to have to suffer in the bad image.
Don't know the guy, but did see a guy scaring the heck out of pronghorns near Dillon with an AR. Son would drive the ATV cross country towards Dad would would pow....pow....pow....pow....pow.... Don't know how many the clip held, but it was more than 5.
Duh, how else are you supposed to hunt lopes? You Utards are just weird.:D
To continue to open up a can of worms, I think the whole "thrill killing" of shooting coyotes and blasting the tops of prarie dogs doesn't do much for the hunter's image with the NON-hunting public.

I am not sure that "just because it is legal" and the fact that people who give hunting a bad image like to use them is reason enough for the other 99% of hunters to have to suffer in the bad image.

If you want to get on that slippery slope go ahead. I would caution you that to most anti hunters and many non hunters all killing is "thrill killing" because we are not subsisting on what we are killing. I enjoy hunting coyotes and will continue doing so. I don't shoot prairie dogs anymore because it is not much fun. I do let K-Man shoot gophers with his .22 though.

I am mindful of the image of hunters.


I'm not subsisting on deer/elk/antelope/walleye/catfish/halibut that I've killed in the last few months?

Not sure what you're definition of subsisting is...but lunch today was deer/antelope polish dogs...dinner was spaghetti and elk meatballs.

No reason to buy beef at this place...

As to coyote hunting, I agree its fun, but I've left very few unskinned...and I dont hunt them much at all during the times their fur is worthless.
I didn't say you didn't consume everything you killed, I think any ethical hunter consumes what they harvest.

My point is not to view it from a hunters perspective but from the perspective of what Jose was saying. If you label shooting coyotes, even for their fur, as thrill killing then you are giving alot of ammo to the non hunting public to say the same thing about a 180 mule deer buck.

In my mind subsistance hunters hunt strictly for food. If they don't hunt they don't eat. Are you in that boat? or if you had to could you afford to run down to the grocery store and buy anything you wanted?

Anyway I just think it is a slippery slope to start with the "thrill killing" rhetoric. It will come full circle if that is a reason to stop hunting and killing coyotes or shoot prairie dogs.


Its always going to be an easier sell to the non-hunters if the things you kill are utilized in some fashion.
I have seen a friend use an AR for deer as .22 center fire is the minimum caliber that can be used and he has had medical problems so he couldn't take the recoil of his other rifle he checked the laws and hunted legal. I have also seen people using aks with full banana clips huntng when stopped by Fish and Game they tell them that they are squirrel hunting. 7.62 for squirrels that's wasteful.:D
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