Zinke Lists his 5 Priority Areas, Ignores Hunting and Recreation. Drill Baby, Drill!

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New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Zinke will be good they said. He won't be as bad as the ones who will tell you straight up they don't give a shit about hunters, he will just screw hunters over without telling you.

The five BLM work priorities are:

"Making America Safe Through Energy Independence," which calls for the agency to reduce the "backlog" of oil and gas applications for permits to drill. It also directs the agency to "streamline" the federal leasing and permitting process for coal, as well as for oil and gas, hardrock mining and "rights-of-way processing for pipelines, transmission lines, and solar/wind projects."

"Making America Great Through Shared Conservation Stewardship," which urges the agency to "[e]mphasize BLM's multiple-use mandate through strategic communication efforts and educational outreach." It also prioritizes reducing the number of wild horses and burros on federal rangelands in the West, and calls on the agency to "develop and implement priority habitat improvement projects."

"Making America Safe — Restoring Our Sovereignty," which directs the agency to facilitate security projects along the U.S.-Mexico border by prioritizing the "clearance and approval process to support" actions in the region and to coordinate with the Department of Defense "to ensure that public lands and resources are available to support the mission of our military."

"Getting America Back to Work," which directs BLM to "streamline land use planning to support energy and minerals development and other priority initiatives," including moving to "mprove and streamline land use planning to support energy and minerals development and other priorities." This section also calls for streamlining "NEPA processes" and stresses increased "efficiency of compliance activities" associated with the Endangered Species Act, National Historic Preservation Act and Clean Water Act.

"Serving the American Family," which among other things would prioritize streamlining "the grazing permit process" in an effort to "provide more flexibility to the American rancher." This section also directs BLM to expand "recreational, hunting, and wildlife conservation opportunities."

The communication document to go with the BLM document is fun....

BLM Talking Points.jpg
Your "the sky is falling" posts are getting very old very fast, and it's getting very hard to take anything you write seriously. Conservation, hunting, and fishing are specifically listed in his priorities. They may not be the #1 priority, but nobody expected them to be.

Trump wasn't my #1 pick for president and Zinke wasn't my #1 pick for Interior Secretary. But, that's who we have leading us and they are pretty much doing exactly as they said they would. We'll survive just fine and, if they do such a terrible job, you'll have your chance to vote in better options in 3-1/2 years. All of your whining is going to be counterproductive when people start ignoring your posts.
Your "the sky is falling" posts are getting very old very fast, and it's getting very hard to take anything you write seriously. Conservation, hunting, and fishing are specifically listed in his priorities. They may not be the #1 priority, but nobody expected them to be.

Trump wasn't my #1 pick for president and Zinke wasn't my #1 pick for Interior Secretary. But, that's who we have leading us and they are pretty much doing exactly as they said they would. We'll survive just fine and, if they do such a terrible job, you'll have your chance to vote in better options in 3-1/2 years. All of your whining is going to be counterproductive when people start ignoring your posts.

Sorry you don't want to know what your "elected" leaders are doing. You don't have to read if your desire is to remain ignorant.

You only need to read if you care what is happening on My Public Lands.
Your "the sky is falling" posts are getting very old very fast, and it's getting very hard to take anything you write seriously. All of your whining is going to be counterproductive when people start ignoring your posts.

Disagree. I need to know when our government is giving away our national resources to industry without getting compensated, so I can fight back. This a$$clown administration is hoping they will exhaust the opposition by giving us so much to disagree with. Not me, I oppose this corporate welfare and cronyism through every avenue possible. I have long suspected the PLT effort was a red herring to make the public more accepting of exactly the crap promulgated in the BLM docs JC posted. Don't fall for it, and don't quit telling your legislators. Don't quit joining TRCP, BHA, RMEF and don't let those organizations flinch when it comes to opposing the giveaway of our natural resources on our public lands.
Don't quit joining TRCP, BHA, RMEF and don't let those organizations flinch when it comes to opposing the giveaway of our natural resources on our public lands.

This I will not do. I helped start our local chapter of RMEF and am still an active board member. Part of my monthly paycheck gets automatically sent to TRCP, and in 3 months, when my student loans finally are paid off, I will become a life member of BHA.

I just feel like if I'm getting sick of these constant "5 alarm" posts, others are as well. Maybe I'm the only one, though. Or maybe I'm just ornery because it's April, turkey season isn't open yet, and political posts are still dominating the forums. I do appreciate good information that I can use to make decisions, which is why I open these threads. It just seems like the titles make things seem a whole lot worse than they are.
ignores hunting and recreation???? I guess you can't read too well...

Serving the American Family," which among other things would prioritize streamlining "the grazing permit process" in an effort to "provide more flexibility to the American rancher." This section also directs BLM to expand "recreational, hunting, and wildlife conservation opportunities."

Thanks for the "fake news"
Your "the sky is falling" posts are getting very old very fast, and it's getting very hard to take anything you write seriously. Conservation, hunting, and fishing are specifically listed in his priorities. They may not be the #1 priority, but nobody expected them to be.

Trump wasn't my #1 pick for president and Zinke wasn't my #1 pick for Interior Secretary. But, that's who we have leading us and they are pretty much doing exactly as they said they would. We'll survive just fine and, if they do such a terrible job, you'll have your chance to vote in better options in 3-1/2 years. All of your whining is going to be counterproductive when people start ignoring your posts.

I don't post often, but I read frequently. I couldn't agree more with this response.
Cuervo, instead of crying wolf over 7 miles of atv trails re-opened to allow easier access to a national treasure, your agenda would be better served by focusing on the truly significant issues. Too often, the opposition party opposes just for the sake of opposing, whether the details and facts warrant it or not.
I don't think there is a more bullshit term coming out of the Beltway than Energy Independence. Maybe "common sense gun control" gives it a run for it's money, when I hear either I want to throat punch someone.
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I don't think there is a more bullshit term coming out of the Beltway than Energy Independence.

How exactly is energy independence a BS term? In 2011 we finally became a net exporter. We import ~10 mil bbl/day and produce ~9 mil bbl/day. A lot of analysts see us achieving independence in the next 15-20 years...if we want to. Maybe it's not a good strategy to drain our reserves first, but independence is more than possible.
Times like this I'm damn glad there ain't of lick of oil in basalt.

Yet the most disgusting overgrazing I've ever seen in the West was
BLM land in basalt country of SW Idaho..nothing left except for basalt and noxious weeds.

Overgrazing on BLM lands can be worse than oil development because it is so extensive.
Disagree. I need to know when our government is giving away our national resources to industry without getting compensated, so I can fight back. This a$$clown administration is hoping they will exhaust the opposition by giving us so much to disagree with. Not me, I oppose this corporate welfare and cronyism through every avenue possible. I have long suspected the PLT effort was a red herring to make the public more accepting of exactly the crap promulgated in the BLM docs JC posted. Don't fall for it, and don't quit telling your legislators. Don't quit joining TRCP, BHA, RMEF and don't let those organizations flinch when it comes to opposing the giveaway of our natural resources on our public lands.

Jose is your source of information? Hilarious.
How exactly is energy independence a BS term? In 2011 we finally became a net exporter. We import ~10 mil bbl/day and produce ~9 mil bbl/day. A lot of analysts see us achieving independence in the next 15-20 years...if we want to. Maybe it's not a good strategy to drain our reserves first, but independence is more than possible.

Aside from the fact every president since at least JFK has promised it, oil is a global commodity, if prices are low due to high global supply our economy will benefit from cheap oil imports. If prices are high our domestic oil industry will benefit due to high prices, but the rest of the economy will suffer. We will always import and export based on global prices as well as the types of oil we can refine.

The closest well get is maybe North American oil independence, but it does not benefit our economy to attempt to be "independent" as the politicians claim.
Not a whole lot in that list gives me even Taco Bell level heartburn. Looking forward to the details for a few of those...
I dont suggest having a single source of information, but most of Jose's posts that I've seen are frequently accompanied by references. Whether you believe it supports his argument is your opinion, but I encourage people to have sources. that allows me, and I assume others, to track down that information and determine for myself if it's legitimate and establish my own opinion.
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